
    摘要:环境艺术设计由建筑设计,景观设计和室内设计三大板块构成,三者相互联系不可分离,本文主要研究现代室内与室外一体化设计、设计元素及方法,及其实际操作。室内设计结合自然是现代建筑与室内设计的一个重要趋势。 从整篇论文来说,首先,对室内设计的发展历史做了概述,并重点对当代出现的新型室内自然景观做了分析。其次,对景观对室内设计的影响,以及室内设计的空间构成和观察原理进行了详细的分析。然后,对室内自然景观的设计方法进行探讨,从空间关系和景观形态两个方面进行了分析。最后,对今后室内、建筑和自然景观的发展进行的展望,从设计思想和设计方法上探讨室内外一体化设计与构思。69482


    Chinese Art Palace roof garden sun room renovation(Indoor and outdoor integration design and concept) 

    Abstract:The environmental art design consists of three major plates: architectural design, landscape design and interior design. The three are inseparable from each other. This paper mainly studies the modern interior and outdoor design, design elements and methods, and its actual operation. Interior design combines nature with an important trend in modern architecture and interior design. From the whole paper, first of all, the history of the development of interior design has been summarized, and focus on the contemporary emergence of new indoor natural landscape analysis. Secondly, the influence of landscape on interior design, as well as the spatial composition and observation principle of interior design are analyzed in detail. Then, the design method of indoor natural landscape is discussed, and the spatial relationship and landscape form are analyzed. Finally, the future of the interior, construction and natural landscape development prospects, from the design ideas and design methods to explore the integration of indoor and outdoor design and ideas.

    KeyWords:Indoor; landscape; space composition; observation principle; integrated design;

    目  录

    一、基本概念 1  (一)什么是室内外一体化设计 1


    二、室内设计的发展趋势 1  (一)室内设计的发展历史概述1


    三、室内外一体化设计与构思 2  (一)视觉原理2

    (二)建筑与景观的关系 2

    (二)建筑、景观与室内的融合的关系 2

    四、答谢 3 










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