

    关键词伴娘  婚礼  礼服  设计

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

    Title    Bridesmaid Dresses Creative Design                            


    Involvement of western culture and chinese traditional culture produce the collision, making more and more young people in the wedding ceremony on the use of western elements, into which chinese wedding ceremony. In this way, the bride's dress is also most likely choose western-style wedding dress, while an accompanying bridesmaid dress has gradually become the focus of the design with one of the best bridesmaid dress design can be icing on the cake for the wedding. The issue's theme is creative design bridesmaid dress, bridesmaid in the wedding dress of the original analysis, deconstruction, based on in-depth understanding of bridesmaid dress design purpose and meaning, and combined 2013-2014 wedding dress trends and future wedding dress fashion trends, modern clothing technology, garment construction, consumer psychology, such as design theory, design a series of creative designs bridesmaid dresses, show characteristics for clothing, garment construction, clothing style, unique marketing perspectives and ideas .In the design process collected data on bridesmaid dresses design theories and examples, easy to explore and analyze  the current situation bridesmaid dress design, style and principles from the plate, color matching, skirt, details, materials, etc., were bridesmaids dress creative design and specific applications.

    Keywords: bridesmaid wedding dress design

    目   次 

    1  引言   1

    1.1  课题研究背景   1

    1.2  选题的目的及意义 1

    1.3  西方伴娘礼服的设计现状2

    1.4  伴娘礼服市场现状  3

    2  伴娘礼服设计的理论分析   3

    2.1  2013年婚礼服流行趋势解析4

    2.2  伴娘礼服的风格解析  5

    2.3  灵感与设计主题的关系  5

    2.4  伴娘礼服的设计原则7

    3  伴娘礼服设计过程 7

    3.1  整体思路与定位7

    3.2  板型设计与制作8

    3.3  颜色选择与搭配 8

    3.4  裙摆设计与制作  8

    3.5  细节处理与搭配  9

    3.6  材料选择与加工9

    4  设计定稿与制作10

      4.1  对伴娘礼服的板型思考10

    4.2  伴娘礼服设计草图11

    4.3  伴娘礼服设计定稿  12

    4.4  伴娘礼服的制作过程  16

    4.5  成品效果展示 18

    结论 20

    致谢 21

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