    摘要:    本论文主要是运用了现在比较流行,先进的三文虚拟设计来将布艺家具的展示通过一个虚拟的平台展示出来,在设计之前通过对虚拟世界在国内外的一个影响和发展程度的调研,了解到现在随着科技的发展,并且随着人口数量的增多,越来越多的人选择在家里通过网络来了解世界,以前都是通过纯文本或者图片的形式来浏览,但是现在科技已经可以达到在电脑中设计出三文的模型,让人们可以更加直观的看到很逼真的场景,让人有种身临其境的感觉,这些都是通过文字和图片不能体会到的。设计中就是使用了虚拟世界的方式,将一个大型的布艺家具展览通过3Dmax制作三文模型的形式然后在virtools的平台上面展示给大家,通过virtools里面的代码编程,形成一种良好互动的效果,让人们足不出户体验到参观大展厅的感受,同时展厅中的互动也是根据人们的使用习惯来设定的,并且可以达到现实展厅中达不到的一些互动,比如更换家具布料的颜色,切换背景音乐等功能。20206
    毕业论文关键词:    虚拟世界;布艺家具;展厅设计;虚拟互动;三文模型
    Virtual design and exhibition of cloth art furniture
    Abstract: This thesis mainly is to use the more popular now, advanced 3 d virtual design to show the cloth art furniture display through a virtual platform ,Before the design, researching the influence and the degree of development of the virtual world at home and abroad, , learning now, with the development of technology , and the increase in population , more and more people choose to learn about the world through the home network , had previously been in the form of plain text or pictures to browse , but now the technology has reached that the computer can design a three-dimensional model , so that people can be more intuitive to see a very realistic scenario , and can let people have a kind of immersive feeling , these are not to appreciate through words and pictures . The way of the design is using a virtual world to show you a large fabric furniture exhibition in the form of three-dimensional model above 3Dmax virtools platform  ,through the inside of the virtools code programming to form a good interactive effect, let people never leave home to experience feelings to visit the great hall , At the same time,the interaction of  the exhibition hall is based on people's habits and Can achieve real exhibition hall for less than some of the interaction, such as changing the color of furnishing fabrics , switching background music and other functions.
    Keywords:    The virtual world; Cloth art furniture; The exhibition hall design; Virtual interactive; Three-dimensional model
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题介绍    1
    1.1.1    课题研究的目的与意义    1
    1.1.2    课题的内容、重点、难点    2
    1.2    课题调研情况    3
    1.2.1    调研使用方式    3
    1.2.2    调研内容    3
    1.3    国内外研究情况及发展趋势    4
    1.3.1    研究情况    4
    1.3.2    发展趋势    4
    1.4    开发工具使用    6
    2    分析    8
    2.1    现代家具展馆调研分析    8
    2.1.1    现实家具展    8
    2.1.2    虚拟家具展    8
    2.2    国内虚拟设计案例分析    10
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