    Study on the composition of design elements of modern commercial exhibition space --Milan ALV fashion design
    Abstract:In commercial exhibition space plotting, planar formation is the most basic elements of art and design. Since the beginning of the design, research and use of plane constitute the basic elements of dot, line, surface processing visual elements such as art, these elements will be based on the combination law of formal beauty, initially formed to design the tone of his works. In different exhibition space, through to the point, line, face the processing of space art, beautify the environment, and set off the atmosphere of the space, to create a colorful show atmosphere. Show behavior in most cases is the use of graphic design elements to express and communicate the message, it and plane design elements relation are inseparable. Elements in the text, images and graphic design should convey way of multidimensional, has been the most widely used in display design, improve and strengthen the application of these elements in the display design, has the theoretical and practical significance of reality. From the aspects of exhibition space elements, this paper explore the exhibition space elements, such as body size, body shape, color and so on aspects fully embody and application of language analysis elements in the image of the exhibition space occupied position and influence, that element in the design of humanity and the material.
    Keywords: Elements, Exhibition Space, Commercial Exhibition Design

    一、绪论    4
    二、现代展览空间设计分析    5
    (一)现代展览空间的概念    4
    (二)现代展览空间设计的基本原则    4
    三、构成元素设计对现代商业展览空间的意义    5
    (一)构成元素在代商业展览空间的地位    5
    (二)构成元素在现代商业展览空间中的运用    5
    四、同类商业展览空间设计调研    6
    (一)达芙妮专卖店    6
    (二)其他展览空间设计    7
    五、设计方案介绍    8
    (一)设计构想    8
    (二)设计说明    8
    751、总结与感想    13
    七、致谢    13
    八、参考文献    14
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