       关键词  数码相机;老龄人群;人机设计;交互设计 ;无线网络技术;
    Title  The Innovation Design Research about Product and Service System for Elderly Population           
    The graduation design aims to design a digital camera for old people,which can solve the problem of taking pictures and photo sharing.Design guiding ideology is to take care of the old man and the innovative application of mature technologies.According to the special physiological an psychological status of older people,based on the existing technology for innovative design,this concept aims to slove the problem about photo shoots instability,complex operation.Through the wireless network technology,the photo can be shared with family.Considering the design for handheld products,shape size,button layout,and materials used will be based on ergonomics,measuring data related to the human body,for the user more comfortable,convenient and stable.At the same time,the screen display and screen operation,paying more attention to user experience,optimized design for the elderly,meet user psychological needs。The design,which is concise and elegant,the use of comfortable and convenient,is more suitable for the elderly.Adhere to the people-oriented design concept, the design ,whichis not only to inherit the old technology improvement, but also use innovative technology, forms a good integration.
    Keywords Digital camera;Aging populations; Man-machine design;
             Interaction design;Wireless network technology;
     目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1 老龄化社会    1
    1.2  老年产品    1
    2  老年人生活形态对相机使用的影响    2
    2.1 老年人生理    2
    2.2 老年人心理    3
    2.3 老年生活形态    3
    2.4 老龄人群特征对相机使用的影响    5
    3  针对老龄人口的相机设计原则    6
    3.1 产品可用性    7
    3.2 人机工程设计    7
    3.3 界面交互    8
    3.4 情感代偿    9
    4  方案阐述    10
    4.1 草图构思    10
    4.2 初期方案    11
    4.3 方案整合    14
    4.4 模型制作    20
    5  设计感想    20
    结  论    21
    致  谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1  引言
  1. 上一篇:面向当代老龄人群的洗浴产品与服务体系创新设计研究
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