    摘要:    废弃砖块是建筑垃圾主要组成成分之一,无论从当前解决城市严重的环境污染问题,还是利用不可再生资源,开展对其的综合研究都非常有必要。为了研究废弃砖块作为基质的可行性,本试验通过比较废弃砖块与栽培基质的理化性质,并对废弃砖块的生长障碍因素进行了分析和调节。试验结果表明:废砖容重随颗粒粒径减小而增大,但只有5.0~10.0mm范围内废弃砖块的容重可作为栽培基质使用。由于试验需要比较废弃砖块与蛭石、珍珠岩的理化性质,因此三种材料统一选用2~5mm的粒径进行实验分析,该粒径范围内废砖透气性较好;但持水特性较差,与珍珠岩1:1混合持水性后明显提高;废砖的pH值为8.89,通过添加稀盐酸和酸性基质(如泥炭,甘蔗渣)混合配比等解决措施,使pH达到理想基质的范围;废砖的EC值为1.435mS/cm,用淋洗方式降低废砖的EC值,淋洗10次EC值下降到0.637mS/cm。该研究结果,对废弃砖块作为基质的改良和pH值调节提供了依据。24205
    Study on waste bricks as growing media
    Abstract:     Waste brick is one of the major components of construction waste, either from the current solve the serious environmental pollution problems of the city, or to use non-renewable resources, carrying out the comprehensive studies of it is very necessary. In order to study the feasibility waste bricks as growing media, the test by comparing waste bricks with growing media the physicochemical properties , and waste brick growing barriers  factors were analyzed and regulated. The results showed: Waste brick bulk density decreases with increasing particle size, but only bulk density values within the range of 5.0~10.0mmcan be used as growing media;As the pilot need to compare waste brick with vermiculite, perlite physical and chemical properties, so select 2 ~ 5mm particle size of the three materials  analysis experiments;the water-holding characteristic is poor, but mix with perlite 1:1 significantly improved water holding capacity;pH value of the waste brick is 8.89, by adding sulfuric acid, or with acidic matrix (such as peat, bagasse) mixture ratio can solve the problem. Waste brick EC is 1.435mS/cm, by leaching waste bricks  to reduce  EC, leaching 10 times EC values down to 0.637mS/cm. The study results, providing a basis for Waste brick as growing media to improvement and pH adjustment.
    Keywords:    Waste brick; growing media; Physical and chemical properties
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 国内外废弃砖块研究状况    1
    1.1.1 国外对废弃砖块的研究进展    1
    1.1.2 国内对废弃砖块的研究现状及存在的问题    1
    1.2 研究的目的意义    2
    2 材料与方法    4
    2.1 试验材料    4
    2.1.1 试验材料及来源    4
    2.1.2 试验仪器    5
    2.2 试验方法    5
    2.2.1 粒径、容重和孔隙的测定    5
    2.2.2 持水孔隙与通气孔隙(基质气水比)    6
    2.2.3 最大持水量测定    7
    2.2.4 pH值测定、电导率(EC)测定    7
    2.2.5 数据分析方法    8
    3 结果与分析    9
    3.1 废弃砖块与基质物理特性比较分析    9
    3.1.1 废弃砖块与蛭石、珍珠岩容重、粒径、孔隙度的比较    9
    3.1.2 废弃砖块与蛭石、珍珠岩最大持水量的比较及改良    11
    3.2 废弃砖块与基质化学特性比较分析与改良    11
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