

    毕业论文关键词:别墅庭院 设计现状 景观特征 景观分析 设计风格 发展趋势

    The villa landscape design research

    Abstract:As the residential market segmentation by product type,”villa”meet the pursuit of a new life.Villa has its own characteristics,that building Inpiduality scattered and independent distribution,high environmental requirements.Compared with other types of residential,the garden of villa contains with high Quality and afforestation room with special property.Then the level of afforestation has become an important symbol between excellent and not.But now-there is no systematic way and Idea for the villa—garden landscape design.Based VILLA—GARDEN LANDSCAPE DESIGN ABSTRACT As the residential market segmentation by product type,”villa”meet the pursuit of a new life.Villa has its own characteristics,that building Inpiduality,scattered and independent distribution,high environmental requirements.Compared with other types of residential,the garden of villa contains with high Quality and afforestation room with special property.Then the level of afforestation has become an important symbol between excellent and not.But now-there is no systematic way and Idea for the villa—garden landscape design.Based on the property category,this article analyse the function、landscape elements and the generatrix relationship,summarize the principle and holistic ways of the garden landscape design,then borrow a style of menu.type.design in interior,put it into the design of villa garden with the category of interrelated area。Put forth a idea of menu—type。design in interior,and analyse its feasibility, Clear a new the way for the landscape design of personal garden

    Key words:villa-garden、current design situation、landscape character、landscape analyse、design style、trend

    目 录

    内容摘要: 1

    Abstract: 1

    1 引言 4

    2 别墅庭院景观特点 4

     2.1 个性化 4

     2.2 私密性 4

     2.3室内空间的延伸 4

    3 别墅庭园景观设计原则 5

     3.1注重功能的原则 5

     3.2尺寸与比例的原则 5

     3.3对比与统一的原则 5

     3.4寻求意境原则 5

    4 别墅庭园景观构成元素 5

     4.1道路与铺装 6

     4.2水石、地形 6

     4.3植物 6

     4.4景观建筑小品 7

    5 别墅庭园调查 7


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