    HangZhou Taoyuan New District Central Park landscape planning and design
    Abstract:This topic is the planning and design of the Taoyuan new district Hangzhou City Central Park landscape, the totle plan area of the park is about 3.21 hectares, located in central of Taoyuan new district Hangzhou, at the intersection of Xiahe Pond and Wujiajiao Port. The Base faces the Xiahe Pond on the north, the south Taoyuan street, the east Yunjing Road, the west yuan Rosd, Southwest take Wujiajiao Port. as the neighbour,. Design use 3.21 hectares of land. The Taoyuan new district is a residential based urban functional areas, central park is one of the configuration of services and facilities. Give full play and the use of natural ecological resources characteristics, creating a park full of vibrant vitality and the beauty of natural harmony. After the completion the park combine the function of both ecological regulation and landscape features, providing people with cultural, leisure, entertainment, fitness and other multi-service. Planning and Design of the park need to consider cultural heritage, reasonable function,ecological priority and meet the needs of the contemporary recreational leisure life. Design content is every environment Content, including masterplan, transportation, vertical, plants, architectural sketches, Road and pavement, night lights, water and electricity and other inpidual plan and design.

    目  录
    1 引言 -- 1
    2 背景分析--- 2
    3 基地现状分析--- 3
    3.1 区位分析--- 3
    3.2 周边环境分析--- 3
    3.3 自然条件分析--- 3
    3.3.1 地理地质--- 3
    3.3.2 自然资源--- 3
    3.4 基地现状物质空间环境分析--- 3
    4 设计理念与目的- 4
    4.1 设计理念--- 4
    4.2 设计目的--- 4
    4.3 设计原则--- 4
    4.3.1 以人为本 4
    4.3.2 以绿为主 4
    4.3.3 因地制宜 4
    4.3.4 崇尚自然 4
    4.3.5 可持续性 4
    4.4 设计要素 4
    4.4.1 安全性-- 4
    4.4.2 生态性-- 5
    4.4.3 人本性-- 5
    4.4.4 特色性-- 5
    5 设计方法与内容-- 6
    5.1 总体布局 6
    5.2 功能分区 6
    5.2.1 主入口广场区 6
    5.2.2 舞台活动区- 6
    5.2.3 静谧休闲区- 6
    5.2.4 滨水游憩区- 6
    5.2.5 阳光草坪区- 6
    5.3 道路交通--- 6
    5.4 绿化设计--- 7
    5.5 竖向设计--- 7
    5.6 建筑小品及附属设施- 7
    6 结束语- 9
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