    Node Design Of Bihu Recreation Park
    Abstract:  Bihu recreation park is located in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, is an important part of Zhangzhou cental city. Bihu recreation park covers an area of 33.5 hectares, is an important area of landscape and urban open spaces of Zhangzhou central development area, and is the center of the city in the waterfront area of the future binding, will be the core of the urban future. When Bihu recreation park is established, it should require both ecological adjustment and landscape function, and provide leisure, entertainment, fitness, social services to people. And a park can reflect the function of its service in place or not is the design of the landscape nodes, it can directly reflect the interdependence between the landscape and the person. This article mainly analyzes the design idea and function layout of several main landscape nodes in the park, and carry out the in-depth and detailed explanation of this design. And put forward the design idea of "people foremost". To meet people’s demands of casual recreation, close to nature, and at the same time we should also create a civilized, healthy, unique activity space that can improve people’s social style.
    Key Words:Analysis of landscape nodes、functional definition、"people foremost"
    目  录
    1.绪论    4
    2.项目背景    4
    2.1区位分析    4
    2.2规划背景    4
    2.3规划理念    4
    3.节点功能定位    5
    3.1 互动体验    5
    3.2 运动娱乐    5
    3.2.1运动性    5
    3.2.2娱乐性    5
    3.3 心理感知    5
    4.节点设计    5
    4.1主入口广场    5
    4.2次入口过程    6
    4.3运动广场    6
    4.3.1室内体育馆    6
    4.3.2室外活动区    6
    4.4趣迷宫    6
    4.5儿童活动广场    6
    5.结束语    7
    致谢    7
    参考文献    7
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