    关键词  老年人  养老机构  视觉系统   导视识别
    Title    Design of visual system for pension institutions   Shanghai Jinfu in pension Institute as an example
    The aging is the population developing trend in the present society, the global countries all over the world in the trend of the development, and this trend is more prominent in China.. With the increase of the population, the need for the pension institutions also increases. However, pension institutions demand caused by the aging of the population increases, pension institutions management more difficult, inadequate infrastructure, form a single, etc., these are constantly sounded the alarm to the society as a whole. A newspaper reported: hospital, large comprehensive hospital of stomatology department subpision in the 10 floor, run upstairs and downstairs in the patients, the elderly, deafness vertigo, shambling, careful, facing the complex visual system, East asked West asked, everywhere be rebuffed, alas, oh! I will wait for you today! All the social problems that have brought many lives and spiritual difficulties to the elderly.
    This paper will start from the visual system, simply elaborated on the aging society, how to design a more consistent with the visual system of the elderly. Better service to every man, how can a reasonable clever to the characteristics and needs of the elderly into the visual system design, deal with the relationship between the visual system and contemporary of old-age care institutions, make visual system for better service to the pension institutions. All of the above is an important topic which the present designers must face.
    Keywords  Aged  Pension institutions  Vision system  Sign recognition
    目   次
    1  引言  1
    研究背景  Y
    3  养老机构视觉系统概述  Y
    3.1  养老机构视觉系统的定义  Y
    3.2  养老机构视觉系统的作用  Y
    3.3  养老机构视觉系统的设计特点  Y
    3.4  养老机构视觉系统的设计原则  Y
    3.5  养老机构视觉系统的设计方法  Y
    4  前期调研与分析  Y
    4.1  项目背景  Y
    4.2  国内外养老机构现状  Y
    4.3  实地调研  Y
    4.4  设计定位  Y
    4.5  设计理念  Y
    4.6  草图分析与演进  Y
    5  金福居养老院视觉系统方案设计  Y
    5.1  标志设计  Y
    5.2  标准色与标准字体  Y
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