
    花卉在设计界向来都是设计师们所热衷的表现元素,无论是中国还是西方的设计师中,都不乏对花卉的表现。本课题选取了在中国被普遍认可的代表十二个月份的花卉作为表现对象,通过对花卉及其对应的花语的分析, 以及前期大量的资料收集和整理总结出每一种花卉所对应的视觉形象,试图通过服装的形式将其表现出来。同时笔者对服装趋势进行调研,选取出与花卉对应的色彩和风格。63799



    毕业论文关键词: 视觉感;服装设计;花语;花卉  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title        Florid Seduction     

    Flower is a theme that designers have always been willing to try . This issue of floral theme is very straightforward. We graft the three-dimensional flowers directly to the garment, not only bringing an absolute visual impact, but also conveying multiple levels of beauty. In addition, cutting the fabric into flower pattern has become a trend, as well as the use of realistic floral prints, especially painting style is more eye-catching. After a deep research we choose the flowers of twelve months as tools to design a series of clothes.

    Based on the analysis of flowers and the florid, through the large amounts of data of pre-collection and the corresponding visual image of every flower, we try to manifest it in the form of clothing. In addition, after a research of the trend of clothes, we choose the colors and styles towards different flowers.

    The design of “Florid Seduction” mainly bases on the direct of clothing. It focuses on seeking a balance between personality and the market, reflecting the personality with a certain extent of“wearable”.

    The design of this series abstracts a concept from the specific things and analyzes the procedure that showed visually from this concept. In addition, we also attempt to combine the craft and visualization in clothing.  

    Keywords: visualization, costume design,  florid,  flower


    1.1  课题背景和现状 1

    1.2  设计意义 2

    2   调研分析2



    3   “花语霓裳”的设计过程10


    3.2  风格定位17

    3.3  制作过程17

    3.4  结构说明19

    3.5  设计展示20

    4.  “花语霓裳”的设计方法及心得体会27

    结论 28

    致谢 28


    1  绪论



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