    摘要:    电子相册是21世纪快节奏脚步下的新产物,本文运用iebook电子杂志软件制作了一款大学时光电子相册。相册主要分四个模块:大学里的迷人景色、深深吸引我的美食、属于你的我的回忆和稚嫩青涩随堂作品。每一个模块都有不同的动画效果,呈现给读者多样化的视觉享受。每一张照片都配上了和照片相对应的心情文字,让读者在观看的过程中产生共鸣。当相册打开时运用AE制作了带有金色烟雾效果的入场动画。在相册的封面页设计了一个蝴蝶飞舞跟随鼠标的动画效果,让界面更加美观大方。相册配有抒发依依不舍情感的背景音乐,以融合视觉和听觉的享受。相册的每一页可以通过鼠标拖移页角实现翻页,翻页效果犹如现实当中翻页。35938
    毕业论文关键词:    电子相册;大学时光;iebook;
    Design of Electronic Album of College Life
    Abstract:     Electronic album is a new product of the 21st century. In this paper, an electronic album of college life was designed by the electronic magazine software of Iebook, which is pided into four modules: the charming scenery in the university, the fascinating food to me, the memories of yours and mine. and my naive and immatured in-class works. Each module has different animations to Present a variety of visual enjoyment. Each photograph was accompanied by the corresponding sentimental words so that to resonate with readers. An animation of golden haze is designed when opening the album. In the cover page a mouse animation with flying butterfly is designed to make the interface more beautiful. A background music, expressing the reluctant affection of separation, is assigned to the album so that the visual and auditory enjoyment can be merged together. Every page in the album can be flipped over by draging the mouse from the corner of the page, which can produce the animation effect like reality.
    Keywords:    Electronic album; College life; Iebook;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    设计的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状和水平    1
    1.3    电子相册的发展趋势    2
    1.4    电子相册的优点    2
    1.5    课题的调研情况    3
    1.6    文献综述    4
    2    分析    5
    2.1    课题的构思    5
    2.2    IEBOOK的使用    5
    2.3    AE的使用    6
    2.4    课题的前期准备    7
    2.4.1    软件操作学习    7
    2.4.2    素材的采集    8
    3    设计    9
    3.1    图片后期处理制作    9
    3.1.1    相册照片处理    9
    3.1.2    相册封面封底处理    10
    3.1.3    相册细节图处理    14
    3.1.4    图标文件    16
    3.2    片头处理制作    18
    3.3    相册照片展示效果    20
    3.4    交互功能介绍    22
    3.4.1    目录    22
    3.4.2    鼠标跟随    25
    3.4.3    背景音乐    27
    4    结论    29
    4.1    电子相册最终效果    29
  1. 上一篇:汽车展示设计的发展趋势+文献综述
  2. 下一篇:陈列展示的创新性研究展馆设计
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