    Assistant product design for old age organizations
    -----Design of electronic assistant platform for old age institutions
    Abstract: with an aging population and changing family patterns, more and more elderly people choose to stay in a nursing home to spend the twilight of life.Although the standard of living of the elderly pension agency is getting better, but still there are many elderly people in the reaction showed the loss and loneliness.In fact, this is the problem of China's pension system in the deep-seated exposure. They come to the place where it is not just a place to rest, but a place for spiritual comfort.Old people, easy to empty, like by memories of life, they need is emotional and spiritual care, spiritual comfort, the elderly or children, or because of various reasons, can not be in the side. This further increases their desire for affection.In addition, the old man idle time is a lot, usually lack of appropriate entertainment facilities. However, most of the home nursing home facilities are simple, the old man's life is very monotonous.So they often feel the spirit of loneliness and emptiness. Caring for the elderly not only from the material to the more spiritually, we want to make the old man's spiritual life richer, so that the elderly can well integrated into the colorful world now.This topic is from old person's physiology and the psychological needs of design a operation is very simple, you can through the network communication with each other and the environment, and entertainment, monitoring, a key call auxiliary functions in a body auxiliary electronic platform.
    Keywords: aging;  entertainment;  interaction;  monitoring
    目 录
    养老机构辅助产品设计    I
    目 录    II
    第一章 前言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.3 研究的现状和主要内容    2
    第二章 研究方法和技术路线    4
    2.1 研究方法    4
    2.1.1 市场调查    4
    2.1.2 工程图与三文建模    4
    2.1.3 模型制作    5
    2.1.4 后期整理    5
    2.2 技术路线    5
    第三章 设计调研和设计分析    6
    3.1 设计前期调研分析    6
    3.1.1 老人对辅助电子产品的需求分析    6
    3.1.2 现有的一些老年人电子产品    7
    3.1.3 老年人产品设计的发展趋势    8
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