    毕业论文关键词: APP设计  企业文化  视觉效果  用户体验  交互设计
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Baking Fans APP Design                                   
    The graduation design topic is the Baking Fans APP design. This is a potential customer, senior members, as well as the general public to design a set of have  Baking Fans cultural characteristics of APP,it consists of three parts, prototype interaction design, UI design and visual design.Show to the user in the form of a mobile terminal,let the user through the APP can easily learn baking ,love baking.
    Through the On-the-spot investigation of Baking Fans, understand the corporate culture and product style;On the analysis and Deconstruction of similar competing products on the line, master the design style and future development direction of the existing kitchen APP. App design is successful or failure, Not only depends on the visual effect of the user's direct contact,but also visual behind every step of the interaction, process architecture are the rational test of designer rational and logical thinking, and every step of visual optimization is the designer color, form, aesthetic sensibility test.
    Keywords:  APP design    Corporate culture    visual effect    User Experience Interactive design
    目   次
      1    引言 1
      2    课题研究背景及设计意义 2
    2.1  课题研究背景 2
    2.2  设计的意义 2
      3    厨房类APP现状分析 3
      3.1  厨房类APP的概述 3
        3.2  典型用户分析 3
      3.3  同类产品的调研分析 3
        3.4  调研问卷分析 6
      4    APP 基本要素定义 7
        4.1  设计注意事项 7
      4.2  设计风格定义 7
      4.3  设计规范定义 8
      4.4  规格定义10
      5    烘焙玩家APP设计构思11
      5.1  创意来源阐述11
      5.2  产品风格概述11
        5.3  APP 功能需求分析11
        6    烘焙玩家APP功能架构解析13
      7    APP 界面详情设计15
      7.1  引导界面  15
      7.2  登录界面  16
      7.3  首页界面  17
      7.4  吃货圈界面  21
        7.5  商城界面  22
      7.6  个人中心界面  24
      7.7  教程详情界面  25
      8    设计感想27
      结论 28
      致谢 29
      参考文献 30
    1  引言
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