
    摘要近年来,由于Flash在网络传播上具有体积小,传播速度快等传播优点,已经广泛应用于各行各业,并且成为了各大高校宣传片的一个主要形式,而本动画是就是基于flash技术,运用Actionscript2.0代码技术,以Adobe  Flash  Professional CS6为开发工具来进行实现的关于江苏师范大学教育科学学院的宣传片,本动画围绕着教育科学学院的专业设置、师资队伍、学院荣誉、社团活动等几个部分进行描述,并重点突出可以体现教育科学学院特点的雅润女子学堂,为观众快速了解教育科学学院提供一个平台,通过展示教育科学学院的各方面特色,进行视觉说服,以求让更多人知道和了解教育科学学院。本动画也充分展现了简洁明了,风格一致的设计特点。51729


     The design and development of the beautiful teaching section


    In recent years, due to the flash in the transmission network has the advantages of small volume, velocity spread fast dissemination advantages, has widely application in all walks of life, and become the major colleges and universities propaganda film of a main form, and the animation is based on flash technology, the use of Actionscript2.0 code technology, in Adobe Flash professional CS6 as a development tool for implementation of Jiangsu normal university education science college propaganda film, the animation around the College of Education Science, professional settings, teaching staff, honors college, community activities several department Were described, and highlights can reflect the characteristics of the College of Education Science, Ya run women's school, for the audience to quickly understand the school of educational science to provide a platform, by showing the characteristics of College of Education Science, visual persuasion, in order to let more people know and the solution of the College of education science. The animation also fully demonstrated the concise, consistent style design features.

    Key Words: Flash;  trailer;  Beautiful teaching section

     目  录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 2

    目  录 3

    一  设计的目的和意义 4

    二  适用对象 5

    三  技术与环境 5

    四  设计的内容、思路、框架、功能 6

    (一)设计内容 6

    (二)设计思路 6

    (三)设计框架 6

    (四)设计功能 7

    1.片头动画 7

    2.主体动画 7

    3. 片尾动画 8

    五  主要界面 10

    (一)片头动画 10

    (二)主体动画 10

    1.学校概况 11

    2.走进教科 11

    3.雅润女子学堂 13

    4.关注教科 14

    (三) 片尾动画 14

    六  设计脚本 15

    (一)动画属性 15

    (二)主要场景 15

    七  设计特点

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