
    摘 要:肉制品行业是中国食品工业中发展速度快、规模大、经济贡献率较高的一种行业。近年来人均食品消费水平呈下降趋势,但对肉类食品的需求越来越大,经济规模的扩大,人口基数的增加等因素都对肉质工业的发展极为有利。本文利用河南双汇投资发展股份有限公司2010—2013年的财务报表,选取合适财务比率分析了该公司的几大财务报表,并在此基础上利用杜邦分析法综合分析了该公司的财务状况,给投资者决策和企业财务分析工作提供一定的参考,最后对该公司提出了一些政策建议。53716 


    Abstract: Meat products industry is a kind of fast development、large scale and high economic contribution rate industry in china food industry. In recent years, the average per capita food consumption expenditure in total consumption expenditure decreased year by year, but the meat food consumption is increasing, the expansion of the economy scale, the increase of population and the upgrading of consumption are highly advantageous to the development of meat industry. This paper analyses the company's producing ability, earning ability and paying ability to select the appropriate financial ratio, by using He’nan Shuanghui investment & development Corporation 2010-2013 financial statements. Give investors decision-making and enterprise financial analysis work to provide some reference. And on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the company's financial situation by using Du Pont analysis method, the company puts forward some policy recommendations. 

    Keyword: Shuanghui investment & development Corporation,operating ability,profitability ability,solvency ability,Du Pont analysis method

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    1.1 研究背景 4

    1.2研究方法 4

    国内外肉制品行业发展现状 4

    2.1 国内肉制品行业发展现状 4

    2.2 国外肉制品行业发展现状 5

    3  财务比率分析 5

    3.1 营运能力分析 6

    3.2  盈利能力分析 7

    3.3  偿债能力分析 10

    3.3.1  短期偿债能力分析 10

    3.3.2  长期偿债能力分析 11

    3.4 发展能力分析 13

    4  财务状况综合分析 14

    5  加强公司财务管理的措施及建议 15

    结  论 16

    参考文献 17

    致 谢 18

    1  引言

    1.1 研究背景


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