

    毕业论文关键词  传统元素  现代景观  本土化  场所 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   The integration of traditional elements and modern design --A case of NJUST Friendship Rive South Bank Landscape Design     


    With the accelerating process of urbanization , the original landscape features between different countries, different regions of the same country are quickly disappearing. At the same time, deep in our heart, owing to the pursuit of inpidual character and the traditional sense of belonging, people instinctively place great emphasis on the different regional characteristics and different national features. So it is of very practical significance to explore how to apply traditional elements to modern landscape design, making it reflects national culture connotation. Based on the actual cases of retrofit design of the campus landscape zone, this paper will have a thorough analysis into the traditional elements forms, the characteristics and cultural connotation and take the essence while discarding the dregs. The paper will not only turn traditional elements into modern design language, but also refine the formal rules and intrinsic charm, striving to make the past serve the present, make innovation, summarize and design modern landscape with Chinese characteristics.

    Keywords   Traditional elements Modern landscape Localization Place

    1 绪论 1

    2 中国传统元素概述 1

    2.1中国传统元素的概念 1

    2.2中国传统元素的分类 1

    2.3传统元素的现代设计价值 2

    2.3.1场所精神 2

    2.3.2历史文脉 3

    2.3.3地域文化 4

    3 传统元素融合于现代校园景观的案例分析 4

    3.1沈阳建筑大学“稻田校园” 4

    3.2  中国美术学院象山校区 5

    4 传统元素在南京理工大学校园景观的应用 6

    4.1校园景观的项目概况 6

    4.2校园景观的设计构思与定位 7

    5 融合传统元素与现代校园景观理念的场所塑造 8

    5.1 直接引用 8

    5.2 删繁就简 9

    5.2.1 意的提取 9

    5.2.2 形的提取 10

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