
    摘要:  本文主要探讨了品牌文化与品牌精神的传播如何在展示设计内容得到充分体现,追求如何打造一个“能够让大众能够看得懂”并且力求传播品牌文化,加深品牌精神在大众认知中的影响的品牌精神展。57649





    Exhibition design and the study of the spirit of the brand -- LOUIS VUITTON brand culture

    (LOUIS VUITTON’s magic box)

    Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the spread of brand culture and brand spirit how in display design content to be fully reflected, the pursuit of how to build a "can let the public can understand" and strive to disseminate brand culture, enhance the spirit of the brand in the public awareness of the spirit of the brand exhibition.

    With the development of commodity economy and market competition is fierce day by day, people's consumption level is gradually growing, even in our country, as consumption levels in the rapid growth of the environment, also led to the respective for luxury and big commodity demand increased. Therefore, the spirit of the brand culture reflected must also be able to do to narrow the distance with consumers, to allow consumers to truly understand the spirit of the brand, to give birth to a sense of intimacy, in the minds of consumers and the masses have a certain position, which is the need of display design to reflect.

    Brand culture is not only in construction is a key to the success of the brand, is in the spirit of the brand culture communication become the success of a brand, whether can stand out among the many brands, thus becoming the real line of international big, has a important relationship.

    Modern display design, and shows the basic elements is the space and display of art. Sometimes, the appearance of the display area is a manifestation of the carrier of the spirit of the brand culture, in some extent, display art, appearance design, space layout is exhibition construction design of flesh and blood and bone frame. However, the interaction with the visitors is to show the design of the soul. Therefore, designers should pay extra note on how to deal with the relationship between space layout, display mode and the three visitors, emphasizing the participation of visitors in the process and interactive communication with the display content.

    Key words: display design, brand culture, brand spirit, exhibition space, appearance


    摘要 2

    一、绪论 4


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