

    毕业论文关键词: 米芾, 康有为, 卑唐  

    Abstract: The tang dynasty calligraphy in the entire history of the Chinese calligraphy occupies an extremely important position, but MiFei and kang youwei put forward the low don's point of view, MiFei has no intention to establish a low tang theory, but through the pen, structure and composition of criticism, the regular script and cursive script of tang dynasty belittle the value of the tang dynasty calligraphy art, growing to a certain extent, the stone inscription rubbings. MiFei calligraphy thoughts is the summary of their life experiences, through his "British tang" representational, can feel MiFei book learning pursuit. From MiFei "is boring" aesthetic ideas to the expression of "low tang" concept, clearly reflects the MiFei concept of calligraphy art, also illuminates the MiFei calligraphy thoughts. From investing tang "a book" to "the book isn't in the jin, ACTS as inferior" and then to the "to" in the view of criticism, let MiFei boldness and frankness albedo unruly of an era, but also to the MiFei advocate natural interest. MiFei pursuit of calligraphy and nature "is boring", advocate after take "jin personality", "jin law" as the sole criterion for evaluation of calligraphy is good or bad. And kang youwei's low tang combined with his reform movement of thoughts, always runs through the thought of "change", the innovation as the value judgment of beauty, in his thought, the western theory of evolution, he created the "wide yizhou double renewed with strong purpose and politics. Under the influence of kang youwei in qing dynasty stone inscription rubbings, system overview of the theory of stone inscription rubbings, further promoting the development of stone inscription rubbings, "stone inscription rubbings theory and tablet calligraphy into the height of a fully mature and more systematic.

    Keywords: Don MiFei,  kang youwei,  British Columbia

    1“卑唐”观念的提出 4

    1.1唐代书法的艺术成就 4

    1.2唐代书法的历史地位 5

    1.3“卑唐”观念的提出 5

    2米芾、康有为“卑唐”观念的差别 6


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