
    摘 要: “伊人阁”抓住顾客的潜在需求,以独特的文化品位和高品质的梳篦塑造品牌形象,创造出一个巨大的市场蓝图。 “伊人阁”让顾客在享受梳篦使用功能的同时,更加能够体会到传统手工艺品的文化底蕴。 “伊人阁”梳篦包装设计采用大量中国元素,用四大美人图与中国结为主要辅助图形,色彩主要是黑底红图,体现浓浓的中国风。利用中国风的包装设计,让更多消费者感受到中国文化的博大精深,让大家更加地想要去了解中国的传统手工艺。 “伊人阁”梳篦包装设计主要以古典风为主,体现中国的传统文化。 “伊人阁”梳篦包装设计的内容主要有:标志设计、包装盒设计、包装袋设计、特色包装设计、海报设计、吊牌设计等。整体的包装设计体现出“伊人阁”梳篦包装的高端的定位,展示了产品中国风的格调和古典美的气质。62866


    Abstract: “YiRenGe” grabbed the potential demand for the customer. I take high-quality culturaltaste and unique the comb shape brand image, to create a huge market blueprint. " YiRenGe " letthe customer enjoy the comb function at the same time, more able to realize the cultural heritageof the traditional arts and crafts. " YiRenGe " comb packaging design using a large number ofChinese elements, four beauties and Chinese knot as the main auxiliary graphics, color is blackat the bottom of the red figure, reflecting a thick Chinese wind. The use of Chinese windpackaging design, so that more consumers feel the profound Chinese culture, so that we want tolearn more about the traditional Chinese handicrafts. " YiRenGe " comb’s packaging designmainly to \classical style, reflect the traditional culture of Chinese. "YiRenGe" comb packagingdesign is the main content: logo design, packaging design, packaging design, specialty packagingdesign, poster design, logo design. The overall packaging design reflects " YiRenGe " combpackaging high-end positioning, show the style of Chinese style products and classic beauty oftemperament.

    Keywords: Chinese style, Classical beauty, Totems, Four beauties, Chinese knot, Traditionalculture

    目 录

    1 背景介绍...4

    2 现状分析...4

    3 “伊人阁”梳篦包装设计的目的和意义4

    4 “伊人阁”梳篦包装设计方案概述5

    4.1 设计思路...5

    4.2 设计内容...5

    4.2.1 “伊人阁”梳篦包装之标志设计5

    4.2.2 “伊人阁”梳篦包装之图案设计、图形运用6

    4.2.3 “伊人阁”梳篦包装基础应用部分7

    4.3 包装设计...8

    4.3.1 包装袋设计.. 8

    4.3.2 包装盒设计.. 8

    4.3.3 特色包装设计.. 9

    4.4 海报设计...9

    5 创新与不足 10


    整体作品完成稿.. 12


    1 背景介绍梳篦, 是理发用具, 是一种古老的汉族传统手工艺品。齿稀的称“梳” ,齿密的称“篦” ,梳理头发用梳,淸除发垢用篦。用骨、木、竹、角、象牙等制。梳篦是古时人手必备之物,尤其妇女,几乎梳不离身,便形成插梳风气。所以中国古代历来很重视梳篦的制作。梳篦的产地以江苏常州为最为著名。常州梳篦是历史悠久的传统手工业品,有“宫梳名篦”之称,2008 年被列入国家级非物质文化遗产。古谚有云: “扬州胭脂苏州花,常州梳篦第一家” 。在 2008 年,常州梳篦工艺进入了国家级非物质文化遗产名录。制篦业开始于春秋战国时期,其始祖是陈七子,常州梳篦自魏晋南北朝流行至今,已有 1500 多年的历史。常州梳篦,昔日为宫廷御用的宫梳名篦,已成为百姓家中每日梳头洁发的必需品和收藏品,并且远销国外(如图1 所示) 。

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