


     Abstract: in recent years, with the rapid development of the domestic theme park industry, Disneyland, Universal Studios, and other global large theme park successively set foot in the Chinese market. This graduation design is illustrated by the Shanghai Disneyland in treasure Bay project topic real facade carved production practice, combined with what they have learned in the university four years of professional theory knowledge, expounds the I in Shanghai Disneyland for a period of nearly a year of practical work in, learning and participation from the composition of the main wall composition, shape design, and Disney unique dreamy colorific design and production, full of fun, changed the understanding of traditional carving, mastered the Disney scene simulation carving techniques. Not only that, I also realized that the Disney simulation scene carving technology excellence, standardize the process and the importance of good working habits of the final engraving effect. Learn from the carving of foreign experts eager to pursue the ideal of art and the spirit of the dedication and dedication.

    Keywords: Shanghai Disney paradise; treasure Bay; excellence; artistic conception; dedication spirit

    目  录

    1. 迪士尼主题乐园进驻中国上海 4

    2. 上海迪士尼宝藏湾项目概述 5

    3. 宝藏湾立面雕刻创作实践过程 5

    3.1宝藏湾仿真水泥雕刻 5

    3.2 宝藏湾仿真水泥雕刻及国内实景水泥雕刻实地考察分析 6

    3.3宝藏湾仿真水泥雕刻培训过程 7

    3.4施工流程 12

    4. 上海迪士尼主题实景创作实践体会与感悟 14

    5.上海迪士尼主题实景创作实践成品展示 16

    参考文献 17

    致 谢 18

    1. 迪士尼主题乐园进驻中国上海

        华特迪士尼年轻的时候创作了当今世界众所周知的动漫人物 “Mickey Mouse”!即“米奇老鼠”。作为迪士尼卡通人物的代表,“米奇老鼠”引领着迪士尼文化不断前行。


    上海迪士尼乐园,又叫做上海迪士尼魔法王国主题乐园,是中国大陆第一个,世界第六个迪士尼主题乐园, 迪士尼乐园具有很强的影响力,无论是从其造价和创意各个方面,它引领了世界主题乐园的潮流, 预计于2016年上半正式开园。文献综述

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