
    摘 要:随着人们生活水平的提高,消费观念也随之发生了极大的改变。而本案健康养生主题餐厅就是针对社会压力加大、生活节奏变快、满足顾客日益追求特色化餐厅的餐饮消费需求以及人们越来越渴求身体健康、重视食品养生的作用而提出的,以切实地满足现代消费者在物质、精神、文化等多方面的需求。本设计方案从室内装饰设计这一方面出发,系统阐述了装饰中陈设、颜色、材质、灯光等重要设计元素的选用及其处理方式。充分论证了装饰设计是室内设计中的核心部分,得出了装饰设计搞不好,室内设计就不算成功这一定论。而本方案的设计提出,以其鲜明的主题和文化特色氛围吸引了淮安众多消费者,使消费者对淮安现存的毫无亮点的餐饮业大为改观,也增强了消费者的健康理念,还给淮安餐饮市场注入了新的活力,带来了更多的机会、更大的利润回报空间,从而引发了餐饮结构的大调整。62800


    Abstract:With the improvement of living standards, consumption idea has happened great change. And healthy theme restaurant is targeted social pressures, the pace of life quickens, satisfy customers increasingly people pursuing characteristic restaurant dining consumer demand and desire for health more and more, attach importance to the role of preserve one's health food, and that to effectively meet the modern consumers in the physical, spiritual and cultural aspects of demand.This design from this aspect of interior decoration design, the system elaborated the decoration in the display, color, the selection of material, lighting, and other important design elements and its treatment. Fully demonstrates the decoration design is the core part of interior design, decoration design maybe is obtained, interior design is not successful this theory. And the design of the scheme, with its distinctive themes and culture atmosphere attracting consumers, huaian make consumers to huaian existing window of the restaurant industry changes greatly, also enhanced the health concept of consumer, also huaian food market has injected new vitality, bring more opportunities and larger profits space, causing the catering structure adjustment.

    Keywords: Themed restaurant, characterization, decoration design, the core 

    1 背景介绍及现状分析 4

    2 设计目的及意义 4

    3 设计方案概述 5

    3.1 设计思路 5

    3.2 设计内容 5

    3.2.1 陈设设计 5

    3.2.2 颜色搭配 7

    3.2.3 材质选取 7

    3.2.4 灯光设计 8

    3.2.5 植物选用 9

    4 创新与不足 9

    结  语 10

    整套作品展示 11

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14

    1  背景介绍及现状分析


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