



    Title  Heze Exhibition Hall Design                                           

    Abstract The success of architectural design works ,Not only the function layout and space form of it ,To see whether it can reflect the spiritual, social phenomenon, regional environment characteristics of the times ,Fit people's ethical, aesthetic taste, values and national character standard ,This is the construction of the "theme song" ,The art of architecture is the building shape, structure, inner and outer space combination, buildings and color, texture, decoration and other aspects of the aesthetic process of the formation of a practical art .As an important window to publicize Heze city for public understanding of city, city culture art, attention to changes in the development of cultural industry and city provides a favorable platform of Heze art and culture exhibition hall; As a city representative art and culture building, Heze art and culture exhibition hall was given a new political meaning of art and culture, but also has its own social significance and aesthetic significance; and as the art and culture of professional exhibition new exhibition building, Heze Art Museum has its unique and irreplaceable importance. This design is for the special building in the use of terrain, functional layout, and the surrounding environment and figure four levels with. 

    Keywords:Art and culture construction; terrain; a building body shape; functional   layout 

    1  引言 … 3

    1.1  方案设计背景3

    1.2  设计目的及意义 …3 

    1.3  建筑设计原则 4 

    1.4  建筑设计要求 4 

    1.5  基地现状分析 4 

    2  设计问题明确  …5        

    2.1  设计理念 5          

    2. 2  规划构想 6

    2. 3  指导思想 6

    2. 4  基本原则 6

    2. 5  建设水平定位 6

    3  展览馆景观总平面规划设计 … 7

    3. 1  总体景观功能规划分析 7

    3.2  周边建筑分析  … 8          

    3.3  周边道路关系分析  … 9

    4  展览馆建筑设计   … 9

    4. 1  展览馆建筑形态   9

    4. 2  建筑的简约造型  10

    4. 3  建筑平面  …11

    4. 4  建筑立面及采光  11

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