


    毕业论文关键词  香薰包装  包装结构  包装色彩

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Aromatherapy  Packaging  Design                                

    Abstract People with the improvement of the living standard, for its maintenance is more and more attention. Essential oils,  scented candles, aromatherapy products because of this series can relieve people’s emotions, relieve pressure , air purification, as consumers are increasingly concerned about the life of home furnishing supplies.

    This task is based on the packing design, in order to aromatherapy products as the design theme, analysis of the existing domestic and foreign markets aromatherapy products packaging design and development situation, reflect the psychological aromatherapy products packaging in the consumers to buy the product in the. Combined with modern packaging technology, packaging structure, packaging structure, packaging color, product characteristics, consumer psychology, for aromatherapy products (essential oil, scented

    Candles, aromatherapy incense) design a new packaging, to explore the unique perspective and design ideas from the packaging, to explore the unique perspective and design ideas from the packing characteristics, packaging style, marketing etc.

    Keywords   aromatherapy packaging  the packaging structure  packaging color 

    1 引言1

    1.1  课题背景及意义 1

    1.2  设计及研究现状 2

    1.3  香薰产品相关简介 2


    2.1  香薰产品包装的前期调研3

    2.2  香薰产品市场分析3


    3.1  香薰产品品牌选择3

    3.2  香薰产品设计定位4

    4  香薰产品包装设计过程4

    4.1  设计构思与创作过程4

    4.2  图案色彩及文字的结合10

    4.3  包装结构的选择及制作11

    5  香薰产品包装设计成果13

    结束语 16

    致谢 17


    1 引言



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