    关键词  简约风格 别墅室内设计 创意 展示 设计概念 设计元素
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    European-style villa interior design minimalist style
    "Dong ziyuan 59" model room interior design show a model housing project is a villa area in the eastern outskirts of Nanjing, in the entire model of the design process, I encountered a lot of practical problems on the concept of creativity and design elements, Triggered by those of the graduate design thinking.
    In this paper, the trends in modern minimalist style, and how the environment of residential areas reasonable use of European style, more focus from the characteristics of European-style furnishings from the details of the handling reflects the essence of European style and culture, and truly European style to a more reasonable use in a modern villa interior design. This article, the author more detailed description of the relationship between design concepts and design elements of simple European style villa interior design, sums up the display model of the interior decoration design element is how to interpret design concepts; how the design elements and design the creative concept each other the specific method of coordination, and to explore the main clue to analyze the "the Dong ziyuan 59" model room interior design concepts and design elements.
    Keywords  Minimalist style  Villa Interior Design  Creative  Show  Design concept  Design elements
    目 录
    1  概述    1
    2  欧式风格在现代别墅中的运用    1
    2.1现代欧式别墅特点简介    1
    2.2别墅空间设计的的把握    3
    2.2.1别墅的功能空间    3
    2.2.2别墅的文化空间    3
    2.2.3别墅的自然空间    4
    3  简约欧式风格的概念与认识    5
    3.1简约欧风格式的概念与特点    5
    3.2简约欧风格式的文化底蕴    7
    3.3简约欧式风格与传统欧式风格的区别与联系    7
    3.4简约欧风格式的现状以及发展趋势    8
    4  “东紫园59号”样板房室内空间设计概念创意    9
    4.1创意的概念    9
    4.2创意的原因    10
    4.3创意的演变    11
    4.4创意理念实践化    12
    5  “东紫园59号”样板房室内空间设计分析    12
    5.1室内空间功能分区    12
    5.2室内空间交通流线分析    13
    5.3室内空间照明设计分析    14
    6  “东紫园59号”样板房室内陈设设计    15
    6.1灯具陈设    15
    6.2家具的陈设    16
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