    主要技术资料:查全有关扑热息痛的生产方法,市场需求情况,产量,作用等;查阅有关药物车间设计方面的资料。所查文献可包括:中文三大数据库、外文专利局网站、EBSCO及SpringerLink电子期刊、SciFinder Scholar等。
    1 酰化:90℃-135℃;对氨基苯酚:HAC=1:2.8(mol比)
    2 冷却结晶:90℃—20℃
    3 溶解脱色:20℃—110℃
    4 压滤:板框式压滤机630×630 BAS40-63°/25
    5 冷却结晶:90℃—20℃
    6 干燥:启动引风机,空气经预热和过滤,当进风温度上升到125℃,在一定压力下,开加料搅拌器,当进风温度上升到135℃,出风温度在75℃左右时,连续加料收集二级旋风分离器中的“粉头”再送入精致工段精致,将一级分离器中的“粉”装桶,称重
    7 酸母液的浓缩:20℃—110℃
    8 稀醋酸回收:回收酸冷凝器;体积:5m3 ; 规格:石墨
    9 精母液的浓缩:90℃—20℃
    焦亚硫酸钠:医药工业上用于生产氯仿、苯丙砜和苯甲醛,橡胶工业用作凝固剂,印染工业用作棉布漂白后的脱氯剂、棉布煮练助剂,制革工业用于皮革处理,化学工业用于生产羟基香兰素、盐酸羟胺等,感光工业用作显影剂等;由纯碱溶液吸收二氧化硫而得。 毕业论文
    Desgin specification
    General introduction:Rush toward the hot interest pain is Paracetamol ,it belong to the solution hot analgesic.Currently in great quantities what to adopt to be turn, crystallized by APA to the acylation, dry route.What student should know well from this design are :The fine chemical engineering product synthesizes a route choice, production line organization, the material calculate, energy calculate, equipments calculation, draw material calculate the diagram, craft flow chart, equipments arrange diagram etc. technological design process.
    Design principle: to construction project serious investigation and study, a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of construction project. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages, selection of technically advanced,economically rational, waste management, high efficiency and low cost of the best solution. General to consider the following points: 1: the production process route selection (selection of manufacture methods, advanced technology and the possibility of comparison, the technical and economic comparison of pollution treatment measures) , 2: to determine the sources of the raw material and the production scale 3: raw material and product specification and material constant. 4: production control mode and recycling. 5: production plant type and structure .6: electrical control .7: investment estimation.
  1. 上一篇:紫杉醇10-脱乙酰基巴卡丁III的合成
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