    Preparation and Quality inspection of paracetamoltablets

    Abstract:Dispersible tabletisrapidly disintegratingandtablets can be dispersed in water.  Dispersible tabletscan quickly release drugs so as to improve the bioavailability of durgs.In addition,it has the advantages of easyproduction,easy and so on.Usually the dispersible tablet disintegration time,suspension or disper sionuniformity and solubility test.Tablet disintegrating agent are sodium carboxymethyl starch (CMS-Na), cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPP), croscarmellose sodium (CCNa), low substituted carboxymethyl cellulose (L-HPC).Quality inspection items of dispersible tablets are disintegration, solubility test, dispersible uniformity inspection.
      Paracetamol(Acetaminophen)is used for fever,headache,rheumatic pain,nerve pain and dysmenorrhea and otherclinical,suitable for patients who are allergic to aspirin.Because the drug solubility in water and in aqueous solution with smaller stability problems, at the same time the drug absorption drug blood reached the peak at 10 -- 60min. The dispersion process prescription tablets paracetamol and inspect the quality of screening by orthogonal experim desin,the research Paracetamol Dispersible Tablets can meet the special need for medication, and provide a theoretical basis for industrial production.

    KeyWords:Acetaminophen;  Disket;  Orthogonal test;  preformulation; Quality inspection
    目 录
    1 研究背景    1
    1.1扑热息痛片的制备研究的意义    1
    1.1.1扑热息痛片的适用病症    1
    1.1.2扑热息痛片的药理毒理    1
    1.1.3扑热息痛片在其它治疗领域的研究开发    2
    1.2片剂的制备和工艺选择    2
    1.3扑热息痛的片剂制备    3
    1.3.1扑热息痛片剂制备的种类及应用    3
    1.4本课题研究的意义及思路    6
    1.4.1分散片的发展现状    6
    1.4.2分散片特点    6
    1.4.3分散片速崩机理    7
    1.4.4已开发的分散片种类    7
    1.4.5分散片临床应用效果    8
    1.4.6分散片的处方设计    8
    1.4.7分散片的制备工艺    9
    1.4.8扑热息痛分散片的制备和质量检测方法    9
    2 实验材料和方法    9
    2.1实验材料    9
    2.1.1基本物质对乙酰氨基酚    9
    2.1.2主要试剂    9
    2.1.3主要仪器    10
    2.2药物处方设计    10
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