







     Abstract    With the continuous development of China's society and economy, the change of social structure, various social problems constantly, makes the social contradictory intensifies day by day, more and more single parent families arise, frequently in such a lack of family structure environment caused by the growth of juvenile crime, and shows some new features and trends,this paper mainly discusses the causes of single parent families children behavior problem from the angle of social ecological system deviation and takes the corrective education social ecological system theory and method.

        Social ecological system theory as the basis of social work, is the basic theory of the relationship between social workers understand and participate in the social environment and human behavior, social work for the general mode of the theoretical basis of the integration of various methods for social workers work, promote the case main positive change, explore the available resources and power and provide concrete working mode.

    This paper analyzes the main causes of children from single parent families behavioral bias in social ecological systems theory perspective, including the loss of function of self system have found the contradiction; family system; the negative influence of peer group; cause discomfort and social macro system of school system integrated effect etc cause of children of single parent families induced factors. At the same time, more important is the interaction between the various systems, including the conflict between inpidual system and peer system; fuel family system and peer system of social macro system; the negative impact, causing the whole system imbalance and conflict chaos, is the major reason for most single parent families children behavior deviation.

  1. 上一篇:含喹啉基1,2,4-三唑满氏碱的合成
  2. 下一篇:IT行业“过劳死”的防范研究
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