    关键词: 四环素;蓝藻;微囊藻毒素;酶联免疫法4089
    Aquatic safety studies of the tetracycline
    Abstract: Tetracycline antibiotics are a kind of antibiotics which has been extensively used in most countries. Their residues in environment have brought about potential hazards. In addition, Microcystis aeruginosa is a kind of cyanobacterium, which could cause MCs pollution. And when microcystins have external stress or aging will releases toxin into the water. Microcystins exists extensively in water all over the world, and most of them are closely related to human health. In this study, cyanobacteria were selected as experimental indicators and the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to detect microcystins (MC) to explore the safety of the tetracycline antibiotics in the aquatic environment and to reveal a relationship of combination–activity. Concluded that tetracycline can inhibit the growth of Microcystis and inhibit the produce of algae toxin by taking qualitative research that the effects of tetracycline on cyanobacterial. It has great significance to use tetracycline reasonable, evaluate the ecological risk and reduce the environmental poison.
    Keywords: Tetracycline; cyanophyta; Microcystin; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
    第一章 前言    1
    1.1 四环素类抗生素的基本情况    1
    1.1.1 四环素类抗生素的使用情况    1
    1.1.2 四环素类抗生素的污染来源    2
    1.1.3 四环素类抗生素的污染现状    3
    1.1.4 四环素类抗生素的污染危害    4
    1.2 四环素的基本情况    5
    1.3 蓝藻的研究进展    6
    1.3.1 蓝藻概述    6
    1.3.2 水华蓝藻毒素对生物的影响    6
    1.4 抗生素对藻类生理生态的影响    7
    第二章 研究方案与方法    9
    2.1 研究目标和内容    9
    2.1.1 研究目标    9
    2.1.2 研究内容    9
    2.2 实验材料与方法    9
    2.2.1 实验蓝藻的培养    9
    2.2.2 实验方案    11
    2.2.3 仪器与试剂    11
    第三章 实验部分    13
    3.1间接酶联免疫法测定藻毒素含量    13
    3.3.1 检测原理    13
    3.3.2 实验操作    13
    3.3.3 剂盒最低检测限、线性范围、变异系数    15
    3.3.4 注意事项    15
    第四章 结果与讨论    17
    4.1 细胞个数与吸光度之间的线性关系    17
    4.2 样品中细胞外藻毒素含量    17
    4.3 单细胞中细胞外藻毒素含量    18
    4.3.1 细胞个数    18
    4.3.2 单细胞中细胞外藻毒素含量    19
    4.4 样品中细胞内藻毒素含量    20
    4.5 单个细胞中细胞内藻毒素含量    22
  1. 上一篇:金霉素对蓝藻的急性毒性研究
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