

    毕业论文关键词  不对称双子季铵盐  抗菌  牙科修复材料   双键转化率


    Title    The preparation of new dental antimicrobial repairing material and the research of microstructure                     

    Abstract All kinds of bacteria are easy to breed in the oral cavity,if the dental materials do not have good antibacterial properties,it will induce dental caries and other oral diseases,so the preparation of antibacterial repairing material with good performance is very important.The purpose of this study was to design and synthesize skew symmetric gemini quaternary ammonium salt-type monomer with double bond, MEBU-TMHDA-C12 and MEBU-TMHDA-C14 and characterization of their structures.There are three different forms of antibacterial components such as,monomer,polymer and particle.Then add them in the resin matrix dental monomer.The antibacterial monomer added directly to the dental restorative materials,then the monomer is incorporated to the dental restorative resin to get antibacterial agents. The double bond conversion is calculated by and the result is 72% and 64%.Antibacterial prepolymer and anti-bacterial nano microsphere is insoluble in resin system,therefore, in the study of dental restoration materials , adding antibacterial monomer directly in the dental restorative materials is the main method.

    Keywords  skew symmetric gemini quaternary ammonium salt  antibacterial    resin matrix dental monomer   double bond 

    1 引言 1

    1.1  常见抗菌剂/抗菌材料及其抗菌机理 2

    1.1.1  无机抗菌剂及其抗菌机理 2

    1.1.2  有机抗菌剂及其抗菌机理 3

    1.1.3天然抗菌剂及其抗菌机理 8

    1.2  季铵盐抗菌剂的研究进展 9

    1.2.1  单链季铵盐杀菌剂的发展和抗菌机理 9

    1.2.2  双链季铵盐杀菌剂的发展和抗菌机理 9

    1.2.3  双子季铵盐杀菌剂的发展和抗菌机理 10

    1.2.4  聚合季铵盐杀菌剂的发展和抗菌机理 11

    1.2.5  混合季铵盐杀菌剂的发展和抗菌机理 11

    1.2.6  季铵盐抗菌剂的研究展望 12

    1.3  本课题要研究或解决的问题 13

    2  两种可聚合抗菌单体的合成与表征 13

    2.1  引言 13

    2.2  两种可聚合单体的合成

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