
    摘  要本实验通过对从连云港海岸带采集到的7份土壤样品进行放线菌的分离,并评价分离到的菌种的生物多样性及酶活与解磷能力。对7份土样进行梯度稀释后涂布在分离培养基上,对获得的菌株的纯培养物进行16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析,从而分析所分离放线菌物种所属的种属;并对分离到的菌株进行酪蛋白酶、淀粉酶、几丁质酶、纤维素酶的酶活筛选以及对它们解磷能力大小进行测试。研究结果表明从7份土样分离到的48株菌株,它们分属于Agromyces, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Gordonia, Marmoricola, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Nocardioides, Nonomuraeax, Paracoccus, Promicromonospora, Staphylococcus和Streptomyces共15个属。对这49株菌株进行酶活筛选发现:酪蛋白酶、淀粉酶、几丁质酶和纤维素酶活的阳性率分别为47.9%,62.5%,35.4%,50.0%。对这48株菌株进行解磷能力测试发现其中33.3%具有解磷能力。本实验初步可说明连云港海岸带土壤中含有大量的可开发利用的放线菌菌种,可对其进行进一步的挖掘与开发,该实验还有助于研究盐碱地放线菌的多样性,为后续盐碱地放线菌的开发利用提供依据。69202


    毕业论文关键词:海岸带  放线菌  多样性 酶活性

    Isolation, persity and enzyme activities of soil actinomycetes from Lianyungang coastal zone


    In this study, we collected seven soil samples from the coastal zone of Lianyungang for the isolation of actinomycetes, and evaluated the biological persity and enzyme ctivity of the isolated strains. After gradient dilution was applied to seven samples of soil samples, the 16S rRNA gene sequence homology analysis was carried out to identify the obtained strains. Then, the strains were screened for their ability to produce hydrolases of casein, amylase, chitinase, cellulose, and organic phosphorus. The results of the study showed that 48 strains were obtained from the seven soil samples, and they belong to the genera Agromyces, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Gordonia, Marmoricola, Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Nocardioides, Nonomuraeax, Paracoccus, Promicromonospora, Staphylococcus and Streptomyces. The enzyme screening results showed that the positive rate of active strains of producing casein enzyme, amylase, cellulase and chitinase were 47.9%, 62.5%, 35.4% and 50.0%, respectively. We also found that 33.3% of them had the ability to dissolve phosphorus. The preliminary experiment indicates that Lianyungang Coastal Zone soils contain a lot of actinomycetes strains can be further development and utilization. 

    Key Words: Coastal area  Actinomycetes  Diversity  Enzyme activity

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 1

    1 绪论 2

    2材料与方法 3

    2.1供试材料 3

    2.2样品处理与菌株分离 4

    2.3 16S rRNA基因测定与系统发育分析 4

    2.4酶活筛选 4

    3结果与分析 6

    3.1培养基分离效果比较 6

    3.2纯培养放线菌多样性分析 7

    3.3酶活检测结果 8

    3.4解磷能力检测结果 13

    4 结论 14

    参考文献 16

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