    With the development of the times, the old water meter has been gradually revealed drawbacks, on the one hand he is not conducive to the water sector to check the water meter, when the water conservancy company need to check the water meter, the have to rely on peopel recorded one by one, so not only time-consuming labor-intensive, but also sometimes caused by erroneous meter data because of the artificial deviation; on the other hand, because most of the old water meters are installed in the floor under the covers, It is inconvenient for the user to view their real-time water situation. Therefore, this paper for these areas has designed a simple and effective remote meter-acquisition system.
    The program is a new way of collecting meter, mobile communications platform for public and monitoring systems combined remote data acquisition system, and can collect data through mobile terminals or PC remote, it is characterized by high efficiency, high quality, economical and practical, very suitable for residential users of water meter information monitoring. We are mainly on the traditional meter of upgrading, and then use the PLC to control the collection of meter data, and finally through the installation of GPRS wireless communication module the collected data is sent to the user terminal, we have adopted a PLC for reasons of data collection it is highly reliable and easy to operate, and can support the expansion of functions to meet various later add new features.
    The program is not only suitable for the user meter collection, such as natural gas, electricity consumption can also be remote collection as a basis for development, the idea of this program is not only suitable for civilian use, and even the remote data collection Industrial also works well .
    Key word:Meter transformation;PLC Acquisition System;GPRS wireless communication
     目  录
    第一章  远程水表采集系统的概述与分析    1
    1.1  远程水表采集的概述    1
    1.2  远程水表采集系统设计的原则和目标    2
    1.2.1  远程水表采集系统设计的原则    2
    1.2.2  远程水表采集系统设计的目标    3
    1.3远程水表采集系统的总体结构    3
    1.4监控中心概述    4
    1.4.1服务器概述    4
    1.5  GPRS通讯网络概述    5
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