

    毕业论文关键词:   四旋翼无人机   GSM   C51单片机   SIM900a芯片   收发短信   GPRS即时通讯


    Title    Design of the control methods of four rotor aircraft based on GSM in long distance


    According to the given resources, we innovatively put forward a new idea of achieving Flight Control of GSM-based four-rotor UAV under the guidance of the teacher, in order to break through the distance limitations and varieties of  the tasks on raditional four-rotor with the remote control. We can establish connection by sending an SMS and conduct laboratory tests to verify the performance of SMS remote communications of SIM900a.Writing code realize the establishment of connection via GPRS channel and the termination of UAV sends instantly the position and attitude information to the PC-side through C51 microcontroller in order to achieve that PC-side monitors the flight condition of UAVs in the long distance. At the same time, ground station can transmit real-time remote landing, steering instructions to the UAV through GPRS channel with the use of C51,which is decoded by UAV and is transmitted to their main chip STM32. Then the instruction is executed in order to realize PC remotely flight control of the UAV. And we conduct physical test to detect the stability unmanned aircraft flight, and verify the actual performance of GPRS communication. This design has an important reference for the global UAV control.

    Keywords  Quad-rotor UAV   GSM   C51 microcontroller   SIM900a chip   send and receive message   GPRS instant communication

    目   录

    1 引言1

    1.1无人飞行器发展的意义 1


       1.3 无人飞行器发展史的经验与启发5





    3.1  SIM900A的使用方法简介  9

     3.2 编写C语言程序进行短信和GPRS连接通讯的方法介绍 10

    4  远程监控的设计方案 15

    4.1  GSM模式与GPRS模式的方案对比  16

    4.2  编写电脑端软件实现对无人机的状态监测以及指令下达  17


    5.1  GSM短信模式验证实验 18

     5.2  GPRS通道远程监控实验 18

    结论  24

    致谢  25


    附录A  进行短信通信的程序范例28

    附录B  进行GPRS连接通讯程序范例30

    1 引言


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