
    摘要MCGS全称为Monitor and Control Generated System。它是一种用于在短时间内迅速构造成一个计算机系统的一种组态软件。它可以在以微软为前提的各类32位Windows平台上面运作用动态图的方案对现场进行数据采集的各方面解决、故障预警提示处理、流程的监控和统计数据输出等多种方式,并帮助用户解决问题。MCGS在电气工程机器自动化的领域有着相当广泛的实际用途。

    PLC英文全称Programmable Logic Controller。它是一中选取可以编程的存储器,用它们的内部存储的程序、执行多功能逻辑、顺序定向控制,同时进行定时、技术、各类算法应用等面向用户的直观的命令,同时利用数字或模拟输入输出信号控制自动化车床运行或安装。69583



    毕业论文关键词:MCGS  PLC  远程通信  交通灯

    Design of MCGS monitoring system for PLC


    MCGS,Full name is Monitor and Control Generated System. It is a kind of configuration software which is used to quickly construct a computer system in a short time. It can be in the on - site data displayed by animation method based on Microsoft all 32-bit windows platform running on the acquisition processing, warning, control process and statistics data output and so on many kinds of ways and to the user to provide the practical scheme to solve practical problems. MCGS has a wide range of applications in the field of electrical engineering automation.

    PLC named Programmable Logic Controller. It is a program that can be used to program the memory, with their internal storage procedures, the implementation of logic, sequential control, while the timing, technology, all kinds of algorithm applications, such as user oriented intuitive instructions. At the same time, through digital or analog input and output control machinery automation operation or production. 

    This paper mainly introduces the use of MCGS and PLC link, through the use of PLC to monitor the MCGS, so as to realize the communication mode of remote communication. In the process of industrial production, the monitoring method is a kind of the most common means of communication, enterprises usually will be different production processes distinguish the mechanical operation of the site and the total control room separately, and some are even far away, the remote communication mode is very simple solves the this kind of problem. In the following, I will introduce the design of traffic signal lamp.

    Key words: MCGS   PLC   remote communication   traffic signal


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    1绪论 1

    1.1设计背景 1

    1.2本设计主要研究内容 1

    2组态软件 2

    2.1组态软件的概念 2

    2.2组态软件的组成 2

    2.3组态软件的作用 4

    2.4数据采集的方式 5


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