
    摘  要自德国提出工业4.0以来,世界各地的制造业工厂都以智能制造为发展目标。产品包装作为产品制造的重要一环,也越来越受到重视。但目前我国食品生产企业的包装生产自动化仍处于起始阶段,很多企业还没有达到工业2.0的要求。因为国内人力丰富且设备种类单一,企业都选择雇佣人力或使用进口设备完成产品包装,这无疑会提高整个企业的生产成本,而过高的成本是制造型企业的致命杀手。因此自动化食品包装生产线的研究应用对提高食品生产企业的生命力和竞争力有着深远影响。69242





    毕业论文关键词:PLC  触摸屏  食品包装  自动生产线  

    The Control System design of Food Packaging Production Line Based on PLC and Touch screen


    Since German proposed the industry 4.0, manufacturing plants around the world are moving in the direction of intelligent manufacturing development. Product packaging as an important part of product manufacturing, but also more and more attention. However, China's food packaging industry fully automated production is still in the initial stage, many companies do not meet the requirements of industry 2.0. Most food manufacturers are dependent on a lot of manual or the introduction of foreign automatic packaging production line to complete the product packaging, whether it is the purchase of foreign equipment or hire workers need to spend a lot of money, but high labor costs are the leading killer of manufacturing enterprises. So Automation Application food packaging production line to increase food production enterprises vitality and competitiveness has far-reaching implications.

    The article introduces the control system of the automatic production line based on PLC and HMI. In a preliminary understanding of bags of food packaging production process requirements, to build mall food packaging production lines, include hoisting material, weighing, packaging, marking, testing functions. The product line is mainly composed of hoisting mechanism, weighing mechanism, feeding mechanism, packaging agencies, inspection agencies sorting, marking and counting bodies, we design PLC as the core, to build man-machine interface touch-screen production line control system each part of this production line to achieve automatic control and real-time monitoring.

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