
    The control system use Siemens S7-200 programmable logic controller (CPU226) as the core, MCGS touch PC, supplemented ABB_ACS350 inverter, ultrasonic level sensors, load sensors, photoelectric sensors, proximity switches etc. to control the food packaging production lines. System has automatic and manual operation mode, automatic operation mode to the hopper level closed-loop control, weighing, feed section interlocking control security automatically complete a variety of packaging tasks. In manual mode , the production lines can manual operating equipment debugging and troubleshooting. Further fault signal of each part of the system can detect the production line and outputs an alarm buzzer alarm with the touch screen to scroll the text. Touch screen as the host computer can each part of the system parameters and operation of real-time monitoring, and system parameters can be set for manual debugging agencies, and alarm information can be viewed and recorded.

    Finally, the program is downloaded to the PLC and touch screen to run-commissioning, the operating results proved consistent with design , thus confirming the feasibility of the production line control system.

    Key Words: PLC  HMI  food packaging  automatic production line

    目  录         

    摘  要





    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本论文的主要工作 2

    2  生产线控制系统总体设计 3

    2.1  包装生产线总体设计及工艺要求 3

    2.2  生产线控制系统总体方案论证 4

    3  控制系统电气原理图设计 7

    3.1  主电路设计 7

    3.2  控制电路设计 8

    4  控制系统程序设计 18

    4.1  PLC I/O的分配 18

    4.2  主程序流程图 19

    4.3  各子程序设计及程序清单 20

    5  生产线监控系统设计 28

    5.1  昆仑通态触摸屏简介 28

    5.2  监控界面设计 28

    6  系统运行调试 33

    7  结论 35

    附录 36

    附录A 控制系统电气原理图 36

    附录B PLC程序清单 43

    参考文献 52

    致 谢 54



    图序号 图名称 页码

    图2-1 袋装食品包装生产线总体结构图 3

    图2-2 基于单片机的包装生产线控制系统硬件框图

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