
    摘  要本设计是基于可编程控制器(PLC)系统来控制电梯。电梯在很多房屋建筑中是很重要的运输工具尤其是在高层建筑当中。电梯在人民生活中有着很重要的作用,它需要电力拖动人和物体,在建筑之中可以垂直上升和下降。现如今人们对电梯的控制要求越来越高,它要具备“稳定、准确、快速”三个性能的要求。该系统主要由PLC和逻辑控制电路组成。它包含了接触器、按钮、变频器、行程开关、交流异步电动机、发光指示灯组成成为一个完整的控制系统。本次设计采用西门子的的可编程控制技术进行编程控制。69579



    毕业论文关键词:PLC控制系统  电梯  逻辑控制电路

    The Elevator PLC Control System Design

    Abstract This design is use of programmable logic controller (PLC) system to control the elevator. The elevator is a very important means of transport, especially in high-rise buildings which, it is in many vertical lifting device housing construction. Elevator has in people's lives a very important role, it requires power to drag people and objects, can be vertically raised and lowered in the buildings that surround it. Now the people of the elevator control increasingly demanding, it wants to have "stable, accurate and fast" three performance requirements. The system consists of PLC, logic control circuit. It contains contactors, push buttons, inverter, the trip switch, AC induction motor, LED indicator lights to become a complete control system. This design uses Siemens programmable control technology PLC programming control.

    In modern programmable controllers for industrial automation technology major, its system is sufficiently stable, simple and clear easy to understand the structure of hardware and software is relatively simple, we have an excellent feature, so used very easily, and the price is relatively low, at various industrial companies are very common. Control device for an elevator apparatus is required, it must be simple and easy to operate, easy to connect hardware devices, with the best human-machine interface more humane, coupled with the corresponding software libraries makes programming effectively improve the speed. We designed the elevator programmable logic programs, corresponding to the operational level the elevator has been significantly improved, but also improve the service elevator for passenger comfort.

    The paper has a figure 36. 22 references

    Key words:PLC control system  Elevator  Logic control circuit

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1设计目的 1

    1.2设计任务 1

    1.3设计内容 1

    1.4设计意义 2

    1.5国内发展现状 3

    2 可编程控制器

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