
    摘  要防潮、防霉是储藏室储存物品的要求中最重要的一项,是用来评价一个储藏室储藏质量的主要指标。本文采用较为实用和先进的单片机控制技术,通过运用温湿度传感器针对温湿度的敏感性,从而设计出一种基于多路信号输入的储藏室温湿度检测控制系统。它将直接影响到储藏物的使用寿命以及工作可靠性,所以其首要问题就是加强储藏室内部温湿度的监测和控制工作。



    毕业论文关键词: DHT11;单片机;LCD显示;温湿度;检测。

    Storage temperature and humidity control system design based on single chip microcomputer


    The requirements of the warehouse store items is the most important thing in moisture and mildew, which is an important index to evaluate the quality of the warehouse storage. This paper USES the more practical and advanced MCU control technology. By using the sensitivity of the temperature and humidity sensor for temperature and humidity, to design a kind of storage temperature and humidity detection based on multi-channel signal input control system. It will directly affect the storage life and working reliability, so the first problem is to strengthen the monitoring and control of internal temperature and humidity in the warehouse. 

    This article mainly USES the AT89S51, LCD1602 LCD, and other components are combined, so as to complete the detection and control of temperature and humidity. In this paper, the use of temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 testing environment temperature and humidity, the output of digital signal transmission to the single chip microcomputer AT89S51, microcontroller through the study of the data processing of digital signals were collected, and then by the LCD1602 LCD display, plus the reset circuit, clock circuit, keyboard control circuit and alarm circuit. 

    Three are sixteen pictures,twenty four references in the design.

    Key words: DHT11  Microcontroller  The LCD Display  Temperature and Humidity  Detection.

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1选题的意义 1

    1.2课题的国内外研究现状 1

    1.3课题的目的和任务 2

    2温湿度控制方案设计 4

    2.1系统设计原则 4

    2.2总体设计 4

    2.3系统方案的选择 5

    3系统硬件设计 7

    3.1主控模块 7

    3.2 复位电路 7

    3.3 时钟电路 8

    3.4显示电路模块 9

    3.5温湿度信息采集模块 9

    3.6键盘模块 10


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