


    毕业论文关键词  嵌入式系统  家居防盗报警  GSM短信模块  多传感器


    Title    A Design of Embedded Home Security Alarm System  



    Recent years, with the rapid development of economy in town, people's living standards continue to improve, our awareness of security is gradually strengthened. As an important part of smart home, home security gets special attention. In view of the traditional anti-theft doors and windows made of aluminum are easy to be pried, not easy to maintain, with no alarm and so on shortcomings, this paper designs a embedded home security alarm system based on multi-sensor technology and GSM technology. Through the collection and analysis of the intrusion information to obtaining accurate alarm information, it improves the security of the household environment.

    The system uses the microprocessor (STC89C52 single chip microcomputer) as the control core, combined with the pyroelectric sensor and photoelectric reflex sensor, to design the system hardware resources. The system uses a modular design. It is pided into the sensor module, the signal processing module and the GSM module. This paper designs the hardware of the sensor module and the single chip microcomputer, completes the production of each circuit module and uses them to build the hardware platform. The program compiles through the software design of each module, and the function of the system has been verified through the experiments.

    Keywords  Embedded systems  Home security alarm  GSM module  Multi-sensor

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文的研究目标与内容 2

    2  系统相关技术介绍  4

    2.1  嵌入式系统 4

    2.1.1  嵌入式系统概念及特点 4

    2.1.2  嵌入式系统的发展与应用 4

    2.2  GSM短信技术 5

    2.2.1  GSM技术概述 5

    2.2.2  GSM短信技术及其特点 6

    2.3  本章小结 6

    3  系统硬件设计 7

    3.1  系统总体方案设计 7

    3.2  主控模块设计 7

    3.2.1  主控制器选择 7

    3.2.2  单片机系统基本电路设计 8

    3.2.3  传感器选型 9

    3.2.4  按键电路 11

    3.2.5  指示电路 11

    3.2.6  语音报警电路 12

    3.3  GSM短信模块 12

    3.3.1  电源与启动电路 13

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