
    摘要中国经济快速发展城市化进程加快,房地产事业蓬勃发展,高楼大厦如雨后 春笋般拔地而起。因此,城市供水出现了严重问题,水乃生命之源这个问题引起 高度重视,及时解决这个问题,确保居民生活用水。恒压供水技术在很多住宅小 区、高层建筑、学校、医院等人均居住密集的地方已成为必要的装置,起到调节 供水,确保人人有水可用,但是在实际应用中还是出现了许多问题,市场上的恒 压供水设备存在功能单一,可靠性和稳定性欠缺,还会出现下一时段才接受到上 一时段水压值的情况,水压值漏测,漏传现象很正常。69601

    本文基于无线通信技术设计恒压供水方案。首先收集资料了解无线通信和恒 压供水相关理论知识,然后根据收集的理论知识完成硬件电路设计和软件编程, 系统中的 Wi-Fi 将传感器采集检测到的实时水压值数据进行传输,再利用上位机 对这些数据作综合处理,上位机向控制系统单片机发出执行命令,变频器接受到 指令完成选频的工作,从而及时调节电机工作频率和电机工作台数,达到恒压供 水的目的。最后进行系统 的调试实验,实验结果表明方案满足设计需要。

    该论文有图 17 幅,表 7 个,参考文献 26 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:恒压给水 单片机 变频器 无线通信

    The design of constant pressure water supply system based on wireless communication


    China's rapid economic development, urbanization, the real estate business to flourish, high-rise buildings mushrooming. Thus, a serious problem of urban water supply, water is the source of life attach great importance to this issue, in a timely manner to solve this problem, to ensure that residents living water. Constant pressure water supply technology in many residential areas, high-rise buildings, schools, hospitals and other densely populated areas per capita has become a necessary means, play a regulating water supply, to ensure that everyone has water available, but in practice many problems still arise, the presence of functional single water supply equipment on the market, the lack of reliability and stability, will appear the next time it is received on a period of pressure value, the value of the leakage test pressure, leakage mass phenomenon is normal.

    Based on the design of wireless communication technologies Water Supply Scheme. First, wireless communications and gather information to understand water supply theoretical knowledge, and then complete the hardware design and software programming according to the theory of knowledge collected in the Wi-Fi system will collect real-time sensor data detected pressure value to be transmitted, reused PC for the integrated treatment of these data, the host computer to issue commands to control the implementation of SCM system, the inverter, frequency selection instruction to complete the work in a timely manner so as to adjust the motor operating frequency and the number of motor workbench, to constant pressure water supply purposes. Finally, the experimental system debugging, experimental results show that the program meets the design requirements.

    There are 17 figures, 7 tables and 26 references in this paper.

    Keywords:  constant pressure water supply microcontroller inverter wireless communication


    Abstract II

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