



    毕业论文关键字:  嵌入式系统  智能化家居  自动化  远程控制  

    The Smart Home System Design Based On Embedded Technology

    Abstract At present, research of embedded and Internet binding is greatly favored by everyone's favorite, gradually integrate into the furniture and electrical appliances, slowly in the market to promote the intelligent home, smart home is the beginning of the development has attracted people's attention, in various fields have to share the fruit of this, the Chinese market is also gradually expanded. Smart home is high-tech product, is the representative of modern life, which combines the Internet technology and computer technology and embedded system, linking the various electrical equipment. The development of smart home is in order to meet the people the convenient, comfortable, safe and environmental protection in line with the demand.

    This paper is based on the development prospect of intelligent Home Furnishing, chose three intelligent Home Furnishing module is studied. In depth study of the intelligent Home Furnishing after selected research programs, selection of intelligent Home Furnishing based on embedded controller, the successful development of the automatic switch curtain, temperature and humidity display controller and automatic lighting controller of intelligent Home Furnishing. The integration of communication technology and automation control technology and the embedded system to complete the design of intelligent Home Furnishing system, makes the user feel intelligent Home Furnishing brings them convenience. For example, can automatically switch the remote control home switch can also perform curtains, lighting equipment, indoor temperature and humidity sensing, and real-time display at the same time; between the furniture and appliances of each inpidual are connected, can communicate with each other, and can control the self identification, do not need to hand Dynamic operation.

     The paper has a figure 20, table 4, 25 references.

    Key word:An embedded system  Intelligent house  Automation  Remote control


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 智能家居的研究背景

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