


    毕业论文关键字:小电流接地系统  单相接地故障  故障选相  MATLAB仿真

    Research on the method of fault phase selection for small current grounding


     The low voltage distribution network of 3 ~ 66kV in our country adopts the small current grounding system. Single phase to earth fault in small current grounding system is the most common form of failure, accounting for more than 80% of the total network fault. When the fault occurs, the fault phase voltage is zero, the non fault phase voltage rise to the line voltage, but the three-phase voltage is still symmetrical, the system can take the fault to run 1 ~ 2H, in order to improve the reliability of the system operation. But it is necessary to find out the fault phase as soon as possible, and eliminate the trouble to prevent the expansion of the accident and equipment damage. The research on the characteristics of single phase to earth fault in small current grounding system is very important to the safety and economic operation of the whole power system.

     In this paper, a brief introduction to the power system of various neutral point wiring, and a variety of different fault phase selection method for small current grounding system is analyzed. The analysis method of single phase to earth fault in small current grounding system is studied systematically. The change of voltage and current in the system and the relative capacitance current are summarized and discussed. And by using the MATLAB simulation software established in small current grounding system, single-phase ground fault simulation model, respectively for small current grounding system neutral point ungrounded system simulation, by setting the line parameters and simulation parameters are the simulation results and line the main parameters of the waveform. Finally, based on the simulation results, we draw the conclusion and the problems that we pay attention to.

    Key words: Small current grounded system  single-phase ground fault   Fault phase selection  MATLAB simulation              

    目  录






    第1章 小电流接地系统接地故障的概况- -2

    1.1 本课题的产生背景及研究意义 -2

    1.2 接地方式现状-2

    1.3 论文的首要工作- 3

    第2章 小电流系统单相接地故障分析4

    2.1 配电网系统的接线方式-4

    2.2 两种小电流接地方式介绍5

    2.3 小电流接地系统单相接地故障稳态分析-11

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