
    摘要近年来,随着我国工业水平的进步,电机已经被应用到各个领域。永磁同步电机(PMSM)具有优良的性能,但其系统具有很高的耦合度,变量也并不单一,所以控制较 为困难,因此其矢量控制系统的研究已成为现今电机控制研究的热点和难点之一。本文 开始先对 PMSM 的研究近况及发展趋势做了简要的分析,介绍了 PMSM 的结构、工作方式 及其分类,阐述了矢量控制的基本思想。其次,在矢量控制的理论基础上进行坐标变换, 建立了电机数学模型。然后,选择了 id=0 的控制方式对电流进行控制,根据给定参数建 立了电机的等效传递函数模型。利用得到的等效传递函数模型设计相应的控制器,基于 MATLAB 平台编辑相关程序进行系统仿真,对结果进行分析。最后,对本文进行了总结, 并展望了 PMSM 控制未来的研究和发展。 69417

    毕业论文关键词 永磁同步电机  MATLAB 仿真  矢量控制  PI 控制

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Vector Control Model and Algorithm Design of  Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor             


    Recently, with the development of national industry, motor is widely used in various fields. The permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) performs very well in many terms, but it has a very high degree of coupling and many variables, so the vector control system of PMSM has become hot issue and difficulty in the research of motor control currently. Firstly, the development trend of PMSM are discussed in this paper. Secondly, the structure, working principle, classification of PMSM and the basic idea of vector control are expounded. Thirdly, based on vector control theory, the mathematical model of the motor is obtained from the coordinate transformation. Then, the controlling method id=0 is selected to control the current. Based on system characteristics, the equivalent transfer function model of the PMSM is established. The corresponding controller is designed by the equivalent transfer function model and the system is simulated by MATLAB. Finally, a summary of the subject is made and the further research and development of PMSM control are prospected. 

    Keywords   PMSM   MATLAB simulation   vector control   PI control

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1

    1.3 本文研究的主要内容 2

    2  永磁同步电机及矢量控制技术 4

    2.1 永磁同步电机 4

    2.2 矢量控制的基本思想 6

    2.3 永磁同步电机的矢量坐标变换及数学模型 6

    3  永磁同步电机的矢量控制策略及控制器的设计 12

    3.1 永磁同步电机的电流控制策略 12

    3.2 永磁同步电机的等效传递函数模型 13

    3.3 永磁同步电机的控制算法 13

    3.4 系统校正及对应控制器的设计 14

    4  系统的仿真分析 19

    4.1 MATLAB 简介 19

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