
    摘要在人类历史文明的发展过程中,图像作为常见的信息载体被传递和传承下来, 记载着人类的发展史。图像的生成、采集、传输或者转换过程中常常受到内部因 素的原因或者外界的影响产生各种各样噪声,干扰图像的正常信息的传输,降低 图像的质量,影响对图像的进一步处理,因此对图像进行适当的去噪和降噪处理 是图像采集传输后的必要的环节。

    图像的去噪降噪技术作为图像处理的重要研究部分,已经经过了数十年的探 索研究,并且形成了相对成熟的研究成果。目前应用比较普遍的是空域去噪方法 和频域去噪方法。

    文中首先概述了 LabVIEW 软件以及 MATLAB 软件的功能作用以及操作方 法,然后介绍了 LabVIEW 与 MATLAB 混合编程的几种方法,接着介绍图像噪 声的常见分类,图像去噪效果的几类评价指标,然后介绍几种常见的去噪降噪的 方法并主要论述小波去噪的理论方法,并以正弦波图像为例利用两种软件的混合 编程实现正弦图像的去噪处理。69256

    毕业论文关键词:LabVIEW MATLAB 图像去噪 小波变换 稀疏表示

    Image Denoising Based on LabVIEW and MATLAB Mixed Programming Technology


    In the process of the development of human history civilization, image ascommon information carrier is passed and come down with the history of human beings.Generation, collection, transfer, or transformation of image process is often affected by the internal or external noise, interfere with the normal information of image transmission, reduce the quality of image, influence on the further processing of the image, so proper denoising of image and noise reduction processing is the necessary link of image acquisition after transmission.

    Image denoising of noise reduction technology as an important research part of image processing, already after decades of research, and formed a relatively mature research results. The more commonly used is the airspace denoising method and frequency domain denoising method.

    This paper first summarizes the LabVIEW software and the function of the MATLAB software function and operation method, then several methods of LabVIEW and MATLAB mixed programming are introduced, and then introduces the common classification of image noise, image denoising effect of several classes of evaluation index, and then introduce several common denoising noise reduction method and mainly discusses the method of wavelet denoising theory, as a case study of sine wave image by using the mixture of two types of software programming realization of sine image denoising processing.

    Key Words: LabVIEW MATLAB image denoising wavelet transform


    Abstract II


    图清单 IV

    表清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 图像去噪技术的难点 2

    1.3 国内外的研究现状 2

    1.4 本论文研究工作和内容安排 5

    2 LabVIEW 及 MATLAB 软件概述 6

    2.1 LabVIEW 软件的介绍

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