
    摘 要车牌图像识别技术对于实现交通管理智能化具有重要意义,可以用于高速公 路违规管理系统,停车场管理系统,城市公路车辆管理,小区车辆管理系统等。 同时可以方便追查肇事车辆,对交通流量进行统计等。因此车牌识别技术对现代 社会具有重要意义。可以促进社会的进步,提高对整个国家车辆的管理,让信息 量巨大的车辆管理变得井然有序,方便了国家和社会的管理。

    本设计在美国 NI 公司的 LabVIEW 软件平台上开发了车牌图像识别系统,先 对图像进行预处理,然后对图像进行去噪,再进行车牌的定位,最后进行字符分 割和字符识别,从而得到汽车的牌照信息。在此方面应用了彩色二值法,粒子过 滤,OCR 字库训练等方法对图像进行处理,再用 LabVIEW 作为承载平台,将车牌 的信息识别出来,方便对车辆进行识别。同时本设计还可以对车辆的颜色进行识 别,先对颜色进行提取,然后通过光电积分法对颜色进行测量,再用色差公式对 光谱波长进行分析,得到颜色的信息,并且可以对颜色区域进行选块,满足对车 身不同位置的颜色识别,同时用 LabVIEW 作为承载平台将颜色的信息显示出来。 本设计将颜色识别和车牌识别结合起来,通过 LabVIEW 进行整合,界面操作简单 又不失颜色识别和车牌识别,通过几个按键即可得到车牌和颜色信息,满足了当 初对设计的要求。69257

    本设计克服了传统车牌识别方法的成本高,识别不稳定,对环境要求高等缺 点。具有算法简单,识别能力强,用户界面简单易操作,结构简洁,适应能力强, 维护便宜等优点。是一款可以方便对车辆进行有序管理的设计,极大地方便了对 车辆的管理。

    毕业论文关键词:车牌识别 LabVIEW 颜色识别

    Research on license plate image recognition technology based on LabVIEW


    Vehicle license plate image recognition technology for intelligent traffic management is important, can be used for highway violation management system, parking management system, urban road vehicle management, vehicle management system of community. At the same time can easily trace the vehicle, the traffic flow statistics, etc.. Therefore, the license plate recognition technology is of great significance to the modern society. To promote social progress and improve the management of the national vehicle, make the amount of information a great vehicle management become organized, to facilitate the management of the state and society.

    The design on the LabVIEW software platform of American NI  company developed the image of license plate recognition system, first the image pretreatment, and then the image denoising, and license plate localization. Finally, character segmentation and character recognition, to obtain the information of the vehicle license. In this regard, the application of the second color value method, particle filtering, OCR font training method carries on processing to the image, and then use the LabVIEW as the bearing platform, information of license plate recognition, to facilitate the recognition of vehicle. Also the design can also the vehicle color recognition, the first color is extracted, and then through the method of photoelectric integration of color measurement, color difference formula  and then the  wavelength of spectral analysis, get the color information and can of color regions of chunking and meet the color recognition of different body positions, and LabVIEW as the load bearing platform to display the color information. This design will combine color recognition and license plate recognition, through integration of LabVIEW, the operation interface and simple without losing the color recognition and license plate recognition, license plate and color information through several button to meet the original requirements of design.

  1. 上一篇:基于LabVIEW和MATLAB混合编程技术的图像去噪+程序
  2. 下一篇:GPS控制网两种平差方法的等价性分析
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