
    摘要随着 GPS 技术的飞速发展,GPS 在测量领域的的应用变得越来越广泛,随着 技术的成熟,与之相对应的 GPS 数据处理的研究更是得到了人们前所未有关注。 为了提高 GPS 控制网的精度,在提高基线解算精度的同时,需要进一步提高 GPS 控制网平差处理结果的精度。本文以商用 GPS 数据处理软件为平台,以解算 GPS 基线向量和基线向量的网平差为研究对象并讨论所有基线参与平差和只选则独 立基线参与平差的等价性 本文主要介绍了 GPS 网图的设计,GPS 基线向量的解 算和 GPS 网的平差,通过理论知识的研究和利用 campass 为平台的实验对比,着 重分析了通过不同的基线选取方式对基线平差结果的影响,并讨论两种选取基线 方式的等价性。69258

    该论文有图 3 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 8 篇。

    毕业论文关键词: GPS 网设计 独立基线 基线向量解算 GPS 网平差

    The Equivalent Analysis of two Adjustment Approach to GPS Control Network


    In the current rapid development of GPS technology, GPS applications  in the field of measurement becomes more widespread, as the technology matures, with the corresponding research GPS data processing is received unprecedented attention. For GPS control network, improving the accuracy of baseline solution is to improve the accuracy of GPS network, but GPS control network adjustment can further improve the accuracy of the results. In this paper, GPS data processing software for research and teaching as a platform to solving baseline GPS baseline vector  and  vector network adjustment for the baseline study and discuss all differences and  to participate in the election only independent baseline of participation equivalent adjustment This paper introduces the GPS of the network diagram design, solver and GPS network adjustment GPS baseline vector by utilizing Campass GPS data processing software research and theoretical knowledge for the experimental comparison platform, analyzes the different ways of selecting a baseline baseline level the impact of poor results, and discuss two ways of selecting the baseline equivalence.

    Key  words: GPS control  network baseline solution GPS network adjustment independent baseline

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    1 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 主要研究内容 1

    2 GPS 控制网的设计 2

    2.1 GPS 网技术设计依据和原则 2

    2.2 GPS 网的精度、密度设计 2

    2.3 基本概念及特征计算公式 2

    2.4 GPS 网图形设计 3

    3 GPS 基线解算的双差模型 3

    3.1 观测方程的线性化及平差模型 3

    3.2 法方程的组成和解算 4

    3.3 精度评定 6

    4 GPS 网平差原理 6

    4.1 观测值独立时的 GPS 网平差 6

    4.2 具有函数相关观测值的平差问题

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