
    摘要为了制备性能优良的微流控芯片,本文对 PMMA 基片的成型工艺以及芯片键合工艺进 行了研究。工作以 PMMA 微流体混合器的制作为例,首先采用激光蚀刻方法对 PMMA 基材 表面的微结构进行了加工,进而采用热键合工艺将两片 PMMA 基材进行了熔合封装。工作 的重点是对热键合工艺进行优化,通过对比实验研究了热压温度,热压时间,热压压强 对热键合质量的影响。利用分析软件 Matlab 以及图像处理软件 ImageJ 将图片结果转换 成利于统计分析的数字结果。并且运用单一控制变量法对参数进行处理,得出了时间, 温度,压强对为通道形变量的影响,确定了针对 PMMA 材质的热键合最优工艺参数。最后, 对键合后的芯片进行了抗压测试。结果表明,键合后的芯片可应用于 5bar 压力环境下, 达到了预期要求。 69421

    毕业论文关键词 热键合  激光切割  统计分析   压力测试

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title An Investigation on Thermal Bonding Of Microfluidic Chips  



    In order to fabricate robust microfluidic chips, in this work we studied the micro-structuring and thermal bonding techniques for PMMA-based microfluidic chips. A PMMA microfluidic mixer was used in this work as an example. Microstructures were first fabricated on the surface of PMMA substrates using laser cutting method, and then the PMMA substrates were combined together using thermal bonding technique. The focus was the optimization of the thermal bonding process. Main parameters that influence the bonding quality, such as the temperature, pressure and time, were thoroughly investigated. Matlab and image processing software ImageJ were used for data processing. Through changing one single parameter each time, the influences of temperature, pressure and time on the deformation of the microstructure were analyzed. And the optimal thermal bonding parameters were determined. Finally, pressure test was  conducted to examine the bonding quality of the microfluidic chip. Results showed that the chips are applicable at 5 bar without causing liquid leakage, meeting the targets of the project.

    Keywords Thermal bonding  Laser cutting  Statistical analysis  Pressure test

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    第 II  页 本科毕业设计说明书

    1 引言 1

    1.1 微流控芯片简介 1

    1.1.1 发展概况 1

    1.1.2 基本原理 2

    1.1.3 主要特点 3

    1.1.4 应用现状 4

    1.2 微流控芯片的制备工艺及芯片材料简介 4

    1.2.1 材料优缺点 4

    1.2.2 PMMA 的结构和基本性质 6

    1.2.3 聚合物微通道的制备 6

    1.2.4 键合工艺研究现状 8

    2 工艺优化研究

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