
    摘要单片机体积小、质量小、造价低、工作稳定、便于安装与开发,具有极高的性价比, 因此在路灯控制系统中得到了普遍的应用。本文研究基于单片机的智能路灯控制系统,集 时间控制、光照控制、温湿度测量、报警功能于一身,能够较好地解决资源浪费的问题。 本系统由单片机主控单元、DS1302 实时时钟、DHT11 温湿度测量、光照强度检测和 LCD 显示各模块组成,介绍了总体设计、硬件电路设计和软件编程,详细描述各模块芯片的接口功能和工作原理。经实际检测,能够达到设计目的。69462

    毕业论文关键词 单片机 智能路灯控制系统 工作原理 硬件电路 软件编程

    Title Intelligent street lamp control system based on single chip microcomputer



    Single chip microcomputer has the advantages of small volume, small mass, strong anti-interference ability, low price, high reliability, good flexibility and easier exploitation, having high cost performance, so it has been widely used in street lamp control system. This paper studies the intelligent street lamp control system based on single chip microcomputer.It combines functions of time control, light control, temperature and humidity measurement and alarm in one.It can better solve the problem of waste of resources as well.

    The system is consisted of single chip computer control unit, DS1302(real-time clock), DHT11(temperature and humidity measurement), light intensity detecting and LCD display module.This paper introduces the overall design, hardware circuit design and software programming, and elaborates the interface function and working principle of each module. By practical testing, the system can achieve the design purpose.




    Keywords SCM intelligent street lamp control system working principle hardware circuit software programming


    1 绪论

    1.1 课题背景及设计意义 1

    1.2 课题的研究内容、研究现状及发展趋势 1

    1.3 课题研究手段 2

    2 总体设计 4

    2.1 系统总体方案设计 4

    2.2 系统总体方案优缺点比较 4

    3 系统硬件设计 6

    3.1 单片机控制单元的设计 6

    3.2 电源模块单元的设计 10

    3.3 实时时钟模块单元的设计 11

    3.4 光照强度检测模块单元的设计 13

    3.5 温湿度测量模块单元的设计 14


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