


    毕业论文关键词: 温度实时监控系统;MSP430G2533; DS18B20; Nokia5110; MH-FMD

    The design of expansion board based on the MSP430 Launchpad


    With the continuous innovation of science and technology and the arrival of the information age, daily life intelligence is everywhere and intelligent product development and change has brought people unlimited convenience. Temperature real-time monitoring system is one of the most representative examples. How to study and develop a real-time temperature monitoring system of good performance, achieve accurate temperature measurement and control is the main content of this subject. Nowadays, national electronic technology is steadily improving and designing real-time temperature monitoring system with microcontroller as the core and temperature sensor as the key measurement and control components has become the current mainstream design.

    Paper’s main contents are as follows: the real-time temperature monitoring system background, the significance of the research and the development of this field at home and abroad. Review the relevant theoretical knowledge of the MSP430G2553 microcontroller, temperature sensor DS18B20, Nokia5110 LCD display and MH-FMD speaker and the use of the required software design. After accomplishing the preliminary preparation of the project, the system program is going to be designed, programmed and debugged and the circuit schematic of the real-time temperature monitoring system will be drawn and the fabrication of the printed circuit board will be completed. After completing this series of work, a simple temperature real-time monitoring system will be presented in front of everyone.

    Keywords: real-time temperature monitoring system; MSP430G2533; DS18B20; Nokia5110; MH-FMD


    摘要 iii

    Abstract iv

    目录 v

    1绪论 6

    1.1论文背景及研究意义 6

    1.2温度监控技术的国内外现状及发展 7

    1.2.1温度监控技术的国外现状 7

    1.2.2温度监控技术的国内现状 7

    1.2.3温度监控技术的发展 7

    1.3课题的主要研究内容 8

    2系统方案硬件构成 10

    2.1 超低功耗单片机MSP430G2553

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