
    摘要近年来,随着当代通信技术、计算机信息技术和各项传感器网络技术的大范围应用, 物联网技术和它最重要的应用之一——智能家居吸引了越来越多人的关注。智能燃气报 警系统在安全防护方面,可以增强家居生活的安全性,消除了燃气泄漏等生活隐患。人 们体验的不仅是全新的设备操作平台与服务,更是一种生活方式的改变。为此本文以美 国德州仪器公司生产的 MSP430F147 单片机为控制核心,搭建了一个基于无线传感器网络 的智能燃气报警系统,该系统不仅可以实现本地燃气浓度监测、浓度超标报警的功能, 亦可通过无线传感器网络及手机客户端软件,将实时监测的燃气浓度推送给用户。此外, 在家中无人情况下,通过本文设计的手机客户端软件,可远程锁止燃气管道。文中给出 了燃气报警系统具体的硬件设计过程、软件设计及实现过程。系统经过设计、制作、调 试,最终实现了燃气泄漏智能报警的功能。69381

    毕业论文关键词 MSP430 燃气报警 物联网 智能家居 无线传感器网络

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title   The Dsige of a Smart Gas Leakage Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

    Abstract In recent years, with the application of the modern wireless communication technology,information technology and sensor technology,the Internet of Things(IOT) and its one of the most important applications——Smart Home have attracted more and more human,s attention. In terms of safety, the smart gas leakage monitoring system can enhance the security of home life,eliminate the hidden danger of gas leakage and explosion.People can experience not only a new operation platform and the service,but also a change of lifestyle.In this thesis, the MSP430F147 microcontroller produced by Texas Instruments was selected as the core processor to build a smart gas leakage monitoring system based on WSN.Comparing with state of the art,our monitoring system has two advantages.Firstly,it can detect the concentration of the gas and inform users via wireless sensor network and APP(application) on mobile phone.Secondly, we can remotely lock the gas pipeline by APP.The hardware design such as LCD and Wi-Fi module and software design of each module is illustrated in detail.The designed system was produced, assembled and debugged,and finally realized the function of gas leakage monitoring.

    Keywords MSP430 gas monitoring IoT Smart Home WSN

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    2 无线智能燃气报警器监测系统硬件设计 4

    2.1 无线智能燃气报警监测系统总体设计 4

    2.2 MSP430F149 单片机简介 5

    2.3 传感器模块 6

    2.4 ADC 模块

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